Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 67


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #67

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain




Episode 67: A Story of Clinging to a Young Girl's Legs and Pulling A Pack (2)




 After successfully persuading Renge (and crying), I decided to go buy a card pack from the Guild soon as possible before she change her mind.


...... Ah? Where are you going? Aren't we going to the guild?


 Renge asked me when she saw me going through the ticket gate on the way instead of heading to the Guild building in Hachioji.


I'm thinking of buying it at the Mitaka Guild, not at the Hachioji Guild.


Mitaka? Why go all the way to that place?


Hehe, because when I had a quick look at the future with Perfect Link this morning, Mitaka was the one that had the best chance of making me happy.




 Renge's voice was filled with exasperation.


I'm sure you've been planning for this development from the beginning. You came out of the house with the intention of pulling a pack, whether or not you got a succubus from the deal you made with the old man.


You found out.


 The transparent Renge lightly poked me in the head as I stuck out my tongue inwardly.


Seriously... So how much are you planning to pull? It's not just one pack, is it?


That's what has me stumped~. Since the probability is manipulated using good luck, the more packs I buy, the less luck I have to spend. After all, with only a month's worth of good luck in my savings, I can't expect to get much result unless I buy a lot of packs. But I would like to have at least 300 million on hand in case Tono-san is able to get a succubus with [Zero existence] skill......


 If I manipulate the probability with Renge's ability, the good fortune consumed does not depend on the size of the money to be gained or the happiness I feel, but on the probability and possibility.


 So, for example, if the probability is the same for me to win a nine-round bet in mahjong with my friends without betting any money, as it is for me to win 10 million in the lottery, I will consume the same amount of good luck.


 Therefore, buying 10 packs and hitting a C-rank card consumes less luck than buying only one pack and hitting a C-rank card.


 The amount of good luck I can accumulate in a month, due to the fact that I am more fortunate than normal people because of the blessing of Renge, can change from 0.1% to 100%.


 In other words, it is possible to buy 10 packs of cards and have C-rank cards in all of them.


 --However, this is just a calculation.


 In reality, it is not so easy.


 In the first place, if there are no C-rank cards in the packs sold in the shelves, there is no point in spending any amount of luck, and we do not know if Renge can be that powerful outside of the dungeon.


 Although this Zashiki-warashi can now be summoned outside the dungeon, it still seemed difficult for her to exert her power outside the dungeon.


 According to her, "Outside the dungeon is like being underwater all the time."


 Therefore, it was highly likely that the amount of good luck used in the manipulation of fate would be greater than in the dungeon.


 The reason I really wanted to pull the card pack today was because I wanted to find out more about that.


Hmm, well, don't get your hopes up too much. ...Only problematic ones are put in the card pack.


I'm well aware of that.


 When I answered immediately, I was slapped on the head by Renge.





 ---- I went into the Guild card shop in Mitaka, and I ran into someone I didn't expect to see again there.


"Huh? Kitagawa-kun?"




Uoh?! For real...?


 Someone called out to me from behind, and when I turned around, I was speechless.


 Standing there was Sunahara with a refreshing smile on his face.


"It's been a while! I'm Sunahara, the guy you fought at MonColo, do you remember?"


"Y, yeah...... of course I remember."


How could I forget a character as powerful as you?


"Sunahara-san,...... don't tell me you dress like that even in your daily life?"


 Sunahara was dressed the same way he had dressed when we fought at MonColo.


 In other words, he dressed as a pharaoh.


 His tanned skin and well-trained upper body were exposed, and he was wearing only gold jewelry, a loin cloth, and sandals, making him stand out from the crowd. The other visitors were looking at him from afar and keeping their distance from him.


 I had thought that he only wore this outfit for the MonColo matches ......, or maybe he had a match today and was on his way home?


 My sliver of hope was denied along with Sunahara's big smile and too-white teeth.


"Of course! Because I'm a Pharaoh!"


I- I see.”


Oi, Utamaro..., this guy is crazier than I expected!


 That's putting it mildly, Renge. He's completely out of his mind to be dressed like this, even though he's not in a match.


 This is someone you should not get involved with.


"W- well, then."


 I bowed my head and was about to distance myself, when Sunahara-san asked me a question as if to hang on to me.


"Oh? Speaking of which, what did Kitagawa-kun come to buy? Could it be, that?"




 Losing my chance to escape, I reluctantly continued the conversation.


"Hm, today, new card packs will be sold at shops around the country. I'm sure that's what you're looking for too, right?"


New card packs? What's that?


 Seeing me tilting my head, Sunahara-san tilted his head as well.


"Huh? I thought you came here to buy card packs?"


"No, I did... but I didn't know about the new card packs."


"Really? That's a coincidence. Well, let's take this opportunity to go shopping together!"




 I scrunched up my face, but Sunahara-san doesn't care and pulled my hand toward the counter.


 There, I saw a large sign that said, "New card packs are now on sale! Attribute-specific starter packs! One million yen for three cards. Special pack for professionals! 10 million yen for three cards.


"This, this. The previous pack of ten cards for one million yen has been discontinued, and although the number of cards is smaller and doesn't contain any cards with the [Zero-existence] skill, the probability of getting D-rank and C-rank cards has been increased. They are selling the previous version until they run out of stock, though."




 After hearing Sunahara-san's explanation, I took a closer look at the signboard.


 The starter packs seemed to come in four types: [Black for undead and demons], [White for fairies and angels], [Red for monsters and gods], and [Green for beasts and dragons].


 There were many other card attributes besides these, such as good and evil, male and female, giants, and half-breeds, but most cards have one or multiple of those eight types of attributes, which was probably why the cards were divided in this way.


 The probability was said to be 40% for D-rank, 2% for C-rank, and a few B-rank cards in each batch. There also seemed to be a 3% chance of finding some carded, high-priced magic items or magic cards. The rest were just plain old F- and E-rank cards and crappy magic items.


 The contents had improved considerably since the old packs used to contain 30% D-ranks and less than 1% C-ranks. The inclusion of magic items and magic cards was also interesting. Since amateur adventurers tend to shy away from expensive magic items and magic cards, more adventurers may actively use magic items from now on.


 Meanwhile, the special packs. This set, perhaps due to the price of 10 million per pack, featured less than 1% B-rank cards, 30% C-rank cards, and 30% or more expensive magic items, with the remainder being D-rank or so-so magic items and magic cards.


 This version appeared to be a legitimate power-up version of the previous packs, with a higher percentage of C-rank cards than the starter packs, so if one wants C-rank cards or higher, it is more efficient to buy one of these packs than to buy ten starter packs.


 The price of 10 million yen is not affordable for amateur adventurers, but it is for professionals, and professionals will probably choose this one if they are going to buy one.


Hmm, this is difficult...


If I am going to buy it anyway, I would buy the special pack. It's a pity that it doesn't have the [Zero existence] skill, but I'm glad that it offers a higher chance of getting C and B ranks, with at least D-rank.


I'm sure there are no more succubus with [Zero existence] kill in the old packs anyway.


 Then it would be better to win a B rank and use it to fund Mea's rank up.


The question is how much to buy...


"What do you think? Exciting, isn't it?"


 As I put my hand on my chin and pondered, Sunahara-san smiled at me.


"Yeah, that's true."


"Right? Okay, so which of us will buy first? Do you want to buy it while there is still plenty left over, or do you want to wait and see if there is any good luck in the leftovers?"


 Sunahara-san grinned at me. I thought for a moment and replied, "I'll try after you."


 I was sure that I would get a jackpot due to the ability. I thought it would not be fair for me to draw first.


"Okay then, I'll go first."


 With that, he went to the counter.


 The new packs were separated into sections for each color pack while the special packs were arranged in a clear case at the counter, where a woman clerk would open the clear case and the row of the packs to be purchased would be pushed out in front of the customer.


 A bit futuristic and cool.


 Sunahara-san apparently purchased one pack of each color for the starter packs and five or so special packs. The payment was, of course, paid in one lump sum via the adventurer's license.


"Then, I'll go home first."


Ah, yes... Aren’t you going to open them here?”


 The packs purchased in the shop can be opened in a private room without being seen by anyone, but Sunahara-san seemed to be taking them home without opening them here.


 Even though Japan is a safe country, it would be unwise to take home packets worth tens of millions of yen without seeing them.


"It's okay. I'm learning Aha'. I have a bodyguard as well."


"Ah, you're hiring a bodyguard... By the way, what is Aha'?"


"It's an ancient Egyptian martial art. I'm learning it from my monster card."




 Learning martial arts from a card, I didn't even think of that. The Link will be more efficient than learning martial arts. Normally, that was true.


 Basically, experience in fighting will not be for naught.


"Oh, that's right. If the bite that Kitagawa-kun draws happens to be an Egyptian card that you don't need, please contact me. I'll trade it for a non-Egyptian card or buy it from you with money."


"Ah, yes. I understand."


"Thank you."


 Sunahara-san smiled and left.


 When I looked at his back again, I saw that his broad back muscles were well-developed and his gait and center of gravity seemed to be stable.


 I think ...... I'm going to learn martial arts from Eliza and Suzuka too. It might also help to increase the synchronization rate.


"Welcome. Would you like to purchase a card pack?"


 The older lady at the counter smiled at me as I walked up to the counter.


 ...When I look closely, this woman was quite beautiful. In addition, her breasts were huge.


 When I use the Perfect Link, I do get nosebleeds, so I hope I won't be misinterpreted as thinking about something naughty or anything like that.


"Do you need me to explain about the different packs?"


"Ah, no, no. I've seen the information on the display."


"Thank you. We are currently offering a promotion: for every ten packs you purchase, you get one pack for free. Which pack would you like to purchase today?"


 While thinking "Hmmm...one free pack for every 10 packs..." I answered,


"The special pack."






 The older lady looked surprised, so I was surprised too, but she coughed to cover it up.


 ...She seemed surprised that I would buy a 10 million yen pack. Well, I don't look like I have a lot of money. And my clothes were from Uniglo......


"Cough, please pardon me. Could you please wait for a moment while I bring out the case?"




 While waiting for the case of the special packs to be brought out, I started to prepare the Perfect Link.


Then, Renge, please.


Coming up.


 The boundary between my ego and Renge's was dissolving, and I was becoming Renge and she was becoming me.


 Behind my closed eyelids, countless possibilities unfolded. From among them, I eliminate all options other than drawing card packs, and observe the paths of possibilities more closely.


 At first, I checked the case where I drew an old pack that may contain a card with [Zero existence] skill.


 If it seemed to be reacting as if it had hit a succubus with [Zero existence] skill, I was going to bet all my money on this one, but it seemed that there was no such a convenient development...


 I was disappointed, but I looked at the possibilities if I drew the special packs without any reservations.


 First, I started with the path of pulling only one special pack. Then, I found that, not surprisingly, my vision of being happy was mostly broken on the path, and I would not reach a satisfying future no matter how I struggled to get there.


 Next, I looked at the path of pulling 10 special packs plus one pack. I found that many of the paths were leading to the right destination, but the paths were also far away and narrow. But since the paths led to the target, it meant that the vision was within my luck to reach it.


 However, the path of the possibility that I am most happy with in the vision was still broken in some places.


 Let's assume that I was to get 11 packs of 100 million more. That pretty much filled the hole.


 Another 100 million. At this point, I have no more money to buy a succubus from Tono-san. But that still doesn't fill all the holes.


 All the other paths besides this one were already been patched up, and the paths were getting much wider.


 How should I look at this... With the special pack that had 30% C rank and less than 1% B rank, the paths were still not connected to my most desired goal even after buying 33 packs, meaning that the goal was most likely a B-rank card.


 Also, given that I am still happy, that card is probably more than what I have invested.


 Another 100 million. ...It was connected. A total of 400 million, 44 packs.


 After looking at the happiest path, I looked at the second happiest path. This one was connected to the goal when I dumped 200 million into it.


 Should I choose the second best result, leaving the money to buy a succubus with [Zero existence] skill, or should I choose the best result by dumping in 400 million yen...


"E, excuse me......?"


 Then, I was called back to consciousness by the lady clerk.


"Are you all right? That, you're bleeding."


"Oh, I'm sorry. I've been getting nosebleeds a lot lately."


 I laughed and cover it up by holding a handkerchief to my nose.


 But the lady had a strained smile on her face.


"No, um, it's coming out of your eyes, too."


"From my eyes too?!"


 I put my finger to the corner of my eye in a panic, and there were a few tears of blood.


Uoh, this is not good! I had seen people with nosebleeds, but I had never seen anyone with real tears of blood!


Um, should I call an ambulance? Or rather, I will.”


"Oh, no, no, no! It's all right. Can I buy the card packs instead?"


"Eh..! No, you'd better not do that today..."


"No, no, I'll buy it today!"


"Eh, I- I see... How many packs would you like to buy...?"


“——40 packs.”




 The lady's eyes widened.


 I was determined to do this. No middle ground. At least, I would get more than the money I paid for it. Then, if things come down to it, I can sell the cards I get and use the money to buy a succubus.


 In that case, I should grab the best outcome here. After all, it would be six months before Renge would agree to do something for me again.


 For a while, the lady had a look on her face that said, "Does this kid really have that much money?'' but then she suddenly realized something.


"I think I've seen dear customer somewhere before...... Do you happen to be on MonColo or something?"


"Ah- just a bit."


"I see! ......I, can go home on time today~"


 I said with a wry smile to the lady who said that while emphasizing her chest,


"That's a tempting offer, but I'll decline. I'm a high school student, after all."


"Ah, I see. Then, would you like to pay using a license? Also, you should seriously go to the hospital right away."


 I bought the card packs and went home, smiling bitterly at the lady's sudden lack of interest in me.




[Tips] Card Attributes


 Each type of card has its attributes.


 Attributes are not only the subject of skills, but also have an effect on the status of the card itself.


 Therefore, even if they have the same combat power, cards with more attributes tend to have higher status and resistance to abnormal status, but at the same time, they also have weaknesses against skills that can be used against the attributes.


 Also, some masters have their own attributes of cards that are compatible with them.




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