Thursday, June 20, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 9 Part 3

Volume 3

Chapter 9 Part 3

The Girl Comes, Raising the Signal 3

Translator : PolterGlast


In the silence that reigned, the faint sound of chalk falling on the blackboard was heard.

Clack-clack. The numbers and the answers calculated by the formula were connected, and Akira's voice concluded.


"―That concludes the answer."

"That's the correct answer.

You may return."


When Akira returned a bow in response to the teacher's permission and took his seat, the bell chimed several times.

After a beat of silence, the teacher removed his glasses.


"It's time, that's all for today's lesson.

Next, we will move on to a new section. Don't forget to do your homework."

""Thank you very much.""


A sentence spoken in unison sent the teacher out through the door, and the bustle of the classroom took over.

Even with the presence of a foreign element in the form of Akira, there was no sign of a disruption to the daily routine of the academy.

As pointed out by Hariin Homare, it was the advantage of the concealment exercised unconsciously.

Even if his uniform belonged to the garrison, the presence of Akira would not elevate the awareness of the targets any further, as long as the spirits inhabiting the other party remained silent.

Akira was alone among the students who felt liberated. Akira strapped the textbooks he had been provided with in a crisscross pattern and prepared to leave.

It was a relief for Akira that he was assigned to the classroom belonging to Ryota Kuga, thanks to the consideration of Kihoin Tsuguho and Nakiri Jin.

Ugetsu Souma's classroom was one classroom away from Akira's place.

Akira's days at Tenryō Academy passed calmly without Souma's voice or appearance disturbing his daily life.




Akira raised his face toward the voice that called out to him.

He looked up to see Ryota standing in front of him with the same expression on his face as ever.


"The teacher called and asked you to stop by the teacher's office before you leave."

"Thank you. ―Kuga-dono."


With Akira's back turned to him, Kuga snorted and wondered what was on his mind.

Akira's feet did not stop and he disappeared into the crowd that was standing ahead of him.

Rustle. With a slight rustling sound made by a bundle of paper, the homeroom teacher's regretful gaze fell on Akira.

The teacher's gaze, which contained a hint of resignation, was met by Akira's emotionless gaze.


"You won't change your decision?"

"I am grateful for your suggestion, but......."


Without leaving any lasting thought behind, Akira shook his head in response to the proposals that had been made to him for the umpteenth time.

Yotsukura Matsuhiko, who had temporarily become Akira's homeroom teacher, looked disappointed because he knew what Akira's answer would be, but he did not pressure him further as he watched Akira leave the teacher's office.

On his desk was a set of documents for transfer procedures.

Akira's position in the academy is a modest one, with nothing conspicuous about it.

However, it is not possible to conceal his abilities and the results that come with them.

Even if Akira could avoid attracting public attention, it would be difficult for even Kihoin to publicly tamper with the results of an examination.

As a result, Akira was able to snatch the top ranks across the board in the academic examinations that were held after he was admitted.

The results were not limited to Akira's class, but were comparable to those of Ugetsu Souma, the [Treasure of the North].

It was only a few months ago that Ugetsu Souma broke Hariin's record by a wide margin.

The teachers must have been shocked to learn that a boy who appeared so suddenly had come so close to breaking that record.

According to the teachers, Akira was well-versed in both the law and arithmetic. In particular, in classes related to the art of spells and onmyoujutsu, he even seemed to be one step ahead of his peers in understanding them.

Even if he were from a commoner background, it would be a waste to let go of such talent.

It was a natural conclusion that Yotsukura, the teacher in charge, came to this conclusion.


"―You got rejected again, huh?"

"So what? There will be a little more time before he returns to Shumon Province.

In case something happens, we can make a request to the Rindo family. If they are his guardians, they will be pleased with his remarkable progress, and they will not have voices to refuse."


Yotsukura did not make a fuss over the teasing from the homeroom teacher of another class, who was eavesdropping in the background, but instead responded with a rebuttal.

...... But,

Unfortunately, Akira is not free of problems.

In particular, the fact that he did not show up for morning and evening training classes was a problem.

In Akira's generation, the need for physical education was not as well known as it should have been.

The reason for this was that the factional schools had adopted martial arts training as a substitute for physical education.

For the nobles, the purpose of the mind-technique-body technique was to sharpen their pure combat skills, rather than to cultivate their spirit.

Not only at Tenryō Academy, but also at the high schools and junior high schools in the province, morning martial arts training was one of the mandatory courses.

It would be difficult for a single teacher to nominate Akira, who did not show up to the training classes, as a student of the academy, even if he had a remarkable talent in literature.

He switched his mind even though he felt it was a shame.

There is other work to be done, Yotsukura spread out another document on his own desk.



Hurrying down the corridor, Akira stopped in his tracks when he noticed Nakiri Jin walking absentmindedly from the other side of the corridor.


"Senior? You look rather exhausted."

"Yo, Junior.

Of course. With so many assignments, it's easy to be sleep-deprived.

Just who the heck invented the lightbulb? It's common sense for people to sleep at night."

"How enviable.

In a tenement house, we still use kerosene."


Although not as much as Jin, Akira also had to stay up late every night to make up for his classes.

He knew about the lightbulbs, but it was only a few days ago that he was impressed by the immense amount of light they provided.

Incidentally, it is not the lightbulb that is to blame, but Jin himself, who has been struggling to make up for missed classes.

Leaving aside the lightbulb, which had earned him an undeserved resentment from, Akira only responded with a wry smile.


"―By the way, Junior. Do you have any plans this afternoon?"

"Let's see.

I have a report to deliver to Tsuguho-sama, but after that, nothing in particular."


Jin nodded lightly upon hearing Akira's response.


"It won't take more than two hours. I've been asked to escort and guide some dignitaries on behalf of Master after this.

Come with me."


Hearing Jin's invitation, Akira pondered for a moment.

He indeed has no plans, and it's a request from someone he's known for a while. It would be a bit awkward for even Akira to refuse without any hesitation.

Despite his concern, Akira did not think too deeply about it and accepted it with a nod.

Kanna-no-Mikura. Akira had not yet developed an appreciation for the importance of the absolute right to which he was entitled.


When Akira knocked on the sliding door of the conference room to report, everyone except Saki was already in the room.

A conference room in the central building is not something that one would normally enter.

The dust playing in the air was creating shadows in the sunlight coming in through the windows, as if to expose the reality that the room was probably not cleaned very well.


"Sorry, I'm late."

"Don't worry. We just arrived ourselves.

Are you spending your days without problems, Akira-san?"

"Yes. I, ... I am enjoying a more fulfilling life than I ever thought I would."


Satisfied with Akira's reply, Tsuguho smiled and reached for Akira's collar.

After adjusting it, she looked at the name tag sewn on the collar.


"Have you gotten used to your new surname?"

"......I still don't feel comfortable with it, since I used to not have a surname.

Though I'm sure after a while, the discomfort will fade away."

"It's only a matter of time then. ...... Also, it is normal for most women to change their surname at least once."


She tried to calm Akira, who said he was not used to it, by placing her finger on the surname on his nameplate.

It is human nature to perceive options that do not come to mind as non-existent.

She heard that Ugetsu Souma's relationship with Akira was extremely distant.

If Akira's name stuck in Souma's memory, they could just use his new surname.

Since it is a different surname, the other party will assume that he is a different person.

Akira's new surname would protect him from being recognized.


After that, they chatted for some time.

And eventually, the out-of-breath Saki came rushing into the conference room accompanied by a gust of autumn wind.


"I'm late!!"

"We haven't been waiting that long.

Saki-san is probably still tired from yesterday's mountain hunt, so please be at ease."

"Thank you. ―Tsuguho-sama."


Tsuguho, who had been sitting in the conference room ahead of the others, looked at Akira with a faint smile that did not make him wary.

Unable to stand Tsuguho's encouragement, Saki and Akira also sat down in front of Tsuguho without any hesitation.


"Alright, shall we begin?

......The Jorōgumo that had been nesting in the mountains were confirmed to be completely wiped out.

We'll have to wait and see for a month, but I think it's only a matter of time before the windhole returns to normal."

"I see.

What about the Central Capital's garrison?"


Upon hearing Tsuguho's opening statement, Akira let out a deep breath.

The fact that the garrison forced recklessness for the purpose of reducing the mouth to feed, even if it comes to light, tends not to be regarded as a problem.

The reason is that there is always a similar case, large or small, in every province.

Even if all the evidence was in place, they would not take the risk of allowing the fire to spread to themselves.

Besides, Akira and his team were after all people of another province.

Even if they were able to change things, it would be back to the way it was before once they left.

Even so, if they were able to restore peace to the mountains, there would be fewer incidents that would leave them with a sour taste in their mouths.


"After complaints were raised by Captain Shishido, the Chief Captain Ninokuruwa also sent a complaint to me.

They must be very determined, since they recommended that we return to our respective provinces using the power of the five elements barrier as a pretext."

"Are they trying to defy the Four Sovereigns?"

"It's nothing unusual.

For them, the pride of their old family should take precedence over the Hyakki Yagyo."


The stance of the old family that borrowed from the authority of Sannomiya is nothing new.

Although its growth has not been conspicuous because it has not left the Central Capital, its attitude of disrespecting other provinces has always been regarded as a problem.


"If I were to be blunt, I would say that the old family's main purpose is to whistle, so there should be no problem if we leave them alone.

Rather, Fujimorimiya has given us permission to participate in the protection of the Central Capital.

As is customary for an initial move, direct lineages of the Four Sovereigns, including myself, will be assigned as the keystone of the Five Elements Barrier, and we will work on reinforcing the barriers until the Kannamesai Festival."

"The keystone?"


Hearing these words, Saki peeked at Akira's expression as if to peer into his mind.

This is because the existence of the Five Elements Barrier is well-known, but there are surprisingly few people who know the details of it.


"The dragon veins in the Central Province are all directly connected to the wind holes in the mountains surrounding the Central Capital.

It is the duty of the Four Sovereigns to maintain the powerful barrier through Gozan (the five most important temples of a region) that spread throughout the five mountains."

"Then, Tsuguho-sama will......."


After hearing Saki's explanation, Tsuguho nodded his head in affirmation as Akira turned his gaze to her.


"I am in charge of Mt. Kugatachi, which is directly under Kihoin's control in the southeast.

Kitayama in Kayanowa is Gioin's, and the rest are Higashiyama Shrine, Nishiyama Mitsuzu Torii, and Seinanyama Bell Tower.

It is probably around the same time that similar requests were made to Gioin and Hariin, who are currently enrolled at the Tenryō Academy.

Jinrouin is just departing from their capital, so it is doubtful whether they will be able to make it in time for the Hyakki Yagyo."

"I see......"


Gioin. A nostalgic name that came out of Tsuguho's mouth, made Akira's eyes go dim.

Everyone present noticed Akira's expression,

They tried their best to maintain a nonchalant look as if nothing had happened.


"Nurarihyon will also be aware of the reinforcement of the Five Elements Barrier, and I think we can at best stall for time.

Therefore, we must also prepare a counterattack.

To do so, we first need to know Nurarihyon's true history.

"Isn't he a Marōdogami (guest god)?"

"Since a Divine Pillar who has been expelled from the Dragon Den is called Marōdogami, he surely has a name and a great history from the time when he occupied the Dragon Den.

Divine Pillar is the presiding myth itself. As long as they cannot betray the myth (themselves), the history of defeat should also remain intact. If we can trace the history of our opponent, our victory will be inevitable."


After all, Marōdogami is nothing more than a Deity Pillar with a history of defeat. As long as the conditions are met, even a Divine Pillar can only comply with the inevitable outcome, albeit unwillingly.

Tsuguho's words made sense to Akira and the others.



"...... Since he was using the [Holy Church of Ariadne] as a cover, his origin is probably that of the Western Continent, though."

"That’s true. But ......"


Saki responded wryly to Akira's thoughtful muttering.

The Iron Age. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl had once mentioned that the control of the Dragon Dens had been disrupted as a result of the closure of the Divine Realm.

Considering this, the possibility of his origin from the Western Continent would be even higher.

However, the Western Continent is vast. Even on a map alone, the size of the continent can be described as enormous.

In this vast land. If one were to include the wind holes on top of dragon dens, the numbers would probably be as many as the number of stars.

Although Akira and Saki had some knowledge of Takamagahara's Divine Pillars, it would still be difficult for them to understand the Divine Pillars of the Western Continent that lay beyond oceans.

Perhaps aware of the ambiguity of his reply, Tsuguho responded with a nod, without a trace of disappointment.


"I do hope we can find some information either in the archives of the Yin Yang Ministry or in the Central Capital Library."

Speaking of which, we have an expert from the Western Continent scheduled to arrive in the capital in a few days' time. She has assured us of her cooperation, so let's put our hopes on that."


Umm, may I discuss something else?"



Tsuguho's eyes blinked at Akira's unusual request.

After clearing his throat a few times, Akira's gaze shot straight to Tsuguho's, as if he had made up his mind.


"Is there no other way to supply Aka-sama's divine energy while staying in the Central Capital?"


After last night's mountain hunt, he had a pretty good grasp of his own ability to carry on a fight.

Unlike Onmyoujutsu, spirit technique is a technique of directly exerting spirit power.

While the speed and power displayed were of a different order of magnitude, it also had the disadvantage of consuming a great deal of spirit power.

When Akira used Chuden in the battle with Jorōgumo, he was aware of a clear decrease in his spirit power.

It was easy to imagine that if he exercised his spirit technique by sublimating his spirit power into divine energy, the consumption would be of a different order of magnitude.


"Even when I was in a perfect condition and didn't sublimate to divine power. Even under these conditions, I can't do ten battles in a row."

"......Kanna-no-Mikura is a being promised more freedom than everything else in this world.

Please think about the meaning of these words once again.

Akira-san, you should already understand it."


After a slight pause, Tsuguho resolutely turned her gaze to Akira.

She was wondering whether to tell him or not. But given the current problem with the Hyakki Yagyo, it is better to have as many means of resistance as possible.

But her advice was too simple for Akira to follow.



"Since it is uncertain whether it is possible for your divine power to make it for the Hyakki Yagyo, let's be prepared in case something urgent happens."

Although it is limited only to the Central Capital, we actually have a way to refill your divine power."


The point is that it is in the Central Capital and it should be equivalent to the Shumon Province.

The method is still fresh in Akira and the others' memories, as it was shown by their adversary (Benedetta Casalini).


"Mt. Kugatachi, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the Shumon Province, is directly connected to Aka-sama's divine realm.

In other words, in that area, Akasama's authority would also be able to fulfill Akira-san's needs.

We are planning to go to Mt. Kugatachi for a preliminary inspection after this, are you willing to join us, Akira-san?"

"Of course, I-... ah......"


Jin's invitation came back to Akira's memory as he was about to accept Tsuguho's offer.


"My apologies. I have an appointment to meet someone at the train station after this meeting, so I will pass."



Tsuguho was taken aback by his unexpected response.

Although she did not know the details of Akira's schedule on campus, this was still unheard-of information for her. Unintentionally, she glanced at the person on Akira's side.

The expression on Saki's face, which was similar to hers, convinced Tsuguho that this was the first time Saki had heard of it, too.

...... This didn't give her any comfort, though.



"It's Nakiri-senpai.

An important person is coming to the Central Capital, and he asked me to make up the numbers."

"An important person? Nakiri should be one of Yuge's branch families.

A dignitary who requested to be welcomed, that's it―!!"


Tsuguho was struck dumb as her thoughts led her to the correct answer.

A request that was sent via Fujimorimiya to invite the direct lineage of the Four Sovereigns to the Central Capital to reinforce the Five Elements Barrier.

Three of them were already enrolled at the Tenryō Academy, but only the direct lineage of Jinrouin had to travel from the western Hakudō Province, which delayed their arrival.

Although it was known from reports that Jinrouin would be visiting soon, it should have been impossible for them to arrive today, the same day as the request was made.

If one estimated backward from the time and date, they should have started preparations around the time Akira and the others were heading for the Central Capital.

And, to ask Akira, who belonged to the Shumon Province, to meet them would be tantamount to declaring that they had other agenda.

Tsuguho was aware that she was being suspected. But where did they get the information about Kanna-no-Mikura?

It was a good move to use friendship as a shield. It is a pretext that is difficult to refuse, and the situation is being set up in such a way that Kihoin cannot intervene with force even if it were to be exposed.

She could have sworn without hesitation that Yuge Kojou was the one standing behind these plans.

He was probably trying to set up a situation that would exclude the Shumon Province people so that Akira could at least meet Jinrouin before the unveiling of the Kannamesai Festival.


"Akira-kun. He didn't mention the exact number, right? ......If so, let me tag along with you.

If that dignitary were to be welcomed by the Eighth Family, it wouldn't be a disrespect to their prestige, would it?"

"Y-Yes, of course."


While thinking to what extent Akira could not read the situation, Saki, whose cheeks were puffed out, put pressure on Akira.

Given her position as Kihoin, it would be difficult for Tsuguho to intervene. However, if it were Saki, who had worked with him on the mountain hunt, it would not be strange for them to hang out together as friends.

Akira, who was a bit intimidated, nodded his head in agreement, and Saki finally smiled.

With some relief, Tsuguho exchanged glances with Saki.

This is women's battle. Insidious and exclusive, a rite of passage designed to chip away at what women are supposed to conceal.

Tsuguho has no intention of pardoning Jinrouin's intrusion before she settles the score with Gioin.

Since Saki has a reasonable understanding of the situation to a certain extent, she will be able to keep things in check.

......If that's the case, Tsuguho's role is to negotiate with Kojou.

Akira, who has low self-esteem, had no idea that the battle over him was beginning to spark off a fierce firework display outside the board.

A young girl who brings the winds of the west to the Central Capital raises a cloud of dust, regardless of her intentions.

Several documents were carried by the wind and spread across the desks in the conference room.

Written on one of them, Akira's new surname shook with the girl's clamor.

The family name of a noble family that perished a long time ago.

Oldest and newest. Pardoned only to Akira.

Yotsurugi Akira.

That was the ring of Akira's new home.



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