Monday, June 17, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 6.2


Volume 4 Chapter 6.2

Into the Depths of the Pit Part 2


Nozomu was brought to a facility in the administrative district called the Water Tower.

This is a facility consisting of one huge tower and two adjoining square buildings, one large and one small, at the base of the tower. This sucked up water from underground and sent it to the above-ground canals that stretched throughout Arcazam.

There are eight of these facilities, two in each of the four districts of the city, and they were built using the most advanced technology available in the experimental ritual magic city of Arcazam.

There are no water sources in the vicinity of Arcazam to sustain a city of this size.

The nearest river is the Vein River, but in order to draw water from it, one has to cut through the forest, which is infested with demonic beasts, and this is impractical.

Without water, people cannot continue their activities, and for this reason, these infrastructural functions, including the [Water Tower], were one of the most important facilities in Arcazam.

Among these facilities, this huge tower stood out from the rest. Nozomu's eyes widened involuntarily when he saw the people gathered in front of it.



"Nozomu! Thank goodness, are you hurt?"

"Yo, seems like you're all right."


There they were, Irisdina and the rest of Nozomu's friends.

They rushed toward him. Although he felt embarrassed when they touched his body as if to confirm that he was okay, at the same time he was relieved to know that they were concerned about his safety.


"Yeah, I'm alright. So......"

"It's been a day before yesterday. Nozomu Bountis."


Nozomu's gaze turned to Jihad and Co. who were waiting behind Irisdina and the others.

Next to him were his assistant, Inda, and for some reason, Feo.

Jihad's gaze seemed to have a certain certain conviction in it. Nozomu then turned to Anri, who had guided him here, and she gave him an apologetic little nod.

That alone convinced Nozomu that Jihad knew about his secret to some extent.


"Right. So how much did Jihad-sensei know about me?"

"Roughly as much as Anri-sensei knows. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time, and our resources were limited. We've decided to keep it to ourselves because of its importance."


In other words, he knows that Nozomu is a Dragon Slayer.

At the same time, he chose words that would not reveal the secret to the guards passing by, and he made it clear that the secret would not be made public for now. Although Nozomu found it difficult to trust his words right now, there was no doubt that Arcazam would be forced to move with caution when it came to the Dragon Slayer.

Besides, Nozomu has something to do now. He accepted Jihad's words for the time being and urged him to proceed.


"I appreciate it. First of all, my objective is to eliminate the parasites that have been nesting in this city."

"Parasites....... Do you have any idea who is behind Ken?"


Jihad nodded at Nozomu's question and began to explain the current situation.

First of all, some people have been illegally leaking information about Arcazam to the outside world. This has been a problem since before Arcazam was built, and Ken seems to be involved with one of these factions.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 8, 2024.

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