Monday, June 10, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Side Story 5

Volume 3

Side Story 5

Close to the Dream, and Wishing in Tears

Translator : PolterGlast

In the depths of infinity spreading out into the void, all the girl could do was weep and gaze.


The rain of sword forest bullets spreads like wildfire, and the land is polluted by unfettered desire.

The land that her people and her feet had trod upon was being ravaged.


Aaaah. Why is this happening?


Her role is not confined to the present.

At the end of Nayuta (TL note: Buddhism term?), it is her role to destroy the last generation and connect it to the one to come.


This world has yet to pardon her except to continue to slumber.


That is why, in her dreams, she could only lament.


"―Don't cry."


I said so unintentionally. ―I had no choice but to do so.

In the face of the weeping girl, I, who am not even a part of her believer, suppressed my insolence and offered a series of idle consolations.


....... But what else is there to say?


The only thing I can do is to comfort the girl, and my own spirit scatters violet flames.

The sparks of fire scattered in the void illuminated only the girl's surroundings, exposing her limbs.


Her pale, wheat-colored skin stands out in the midst of the void.

Her body, which looks to be around 14 years old, is wrapped in a cloth woven with brocade and iron ghungroo attached to her arms and legs.


Holding her slender, flexible legs in her hands, she floated in the void with her face buried in her knees and lamented.


"Don't cry. ......I'll be sad too if you cry."


I say it just one more time.

This is just a dream. My voice will never reach her.

Even though she was convinced of this, she still couldn't help but say it.



The girl's shoulders tremble slightly.


Her face rose from her knees, and her gaze wandered through the void, as if searching for the person who had called out to comfort her.



*Ring-ring*. The swaying Ghungroo chimed gently, and a pair of crimson eyes looked at me.




An out-of-focus voice, as if separated by a thin film, traveled across the distance.

At that moment, the voices that should have been inaudible and figures that should have been invisible, were indeed connected.


"I am..."


[You're not my kin. Not my people. Not standing on my land.

I see, you have a piece of the thorns (one of 28). Due to the temporary connection between the beginning and the end, the dream has delivered its voice to you.]


A sorrowful murmur escaped from the girl's mouth.

She only lamented her inability to respond to the voice calling out to her from a distant land.


The connection that was faintly established was ripped apart by the girl's agitation.


[Why are my thorns in such a place? There should be only one that I placed there. And it should have already been pulled out and hidden away.

......I see, it's her. I knew she had stolen it from my domain, but to think that she hid it in such a place.

Whatever, I don't care. My household has been banished from the divine realm. There is no one left to wield my thorns.]


The monologue was uttered in despair, and the girl tried to bury her face in her knees again.

Just before that. The slight curiosity that was born spilled out of the girl's mouth and dissipated.


[Hey. If you're going to pity me, at least tell me,

What is your name?]


The chasm of the unseen. Saki opened her mouth to respond to the question from far away, even if she couldn't reach it.


"I am ......."




As the orange-blurred morning sun was shining through the curtains, Saki was awakened by a light shock on her forehead.




The book that was supposed to be propped up next to the bed was slipped from its place, and fell to her forehead and landed on the floor.

*Thud. The light sound of the falling book resounded, but fortunately, it didn't wake up the other girl in the same room.


Feeling relieved at this, Saki put her feet down on the floor so as not to make any noise.


*Creak*. The old wooden floor creaked slightly as she undid her white undergarment and slipped into her training clothes.

The futon behind Saki rustled, perhaps awakened by the presence of someone moving.


"...... Hmm? Saki, did you wake up already?"


"Sorry for waking you up."


It's okay. Kiyoko responded to Saki's apology with a yawn, and turned her sleepy eyes to Saki.

Beyond her vision, she saw Saki, with naginata bag in hand, heading for the door.


"Morning training? You sure like to train, huh? Even though you've just finished your guardian training."


"Yep. Tsuguho-sama has given me permission to be transferred to the garrison.

The garrison is a men's place, so I'm a little awkward, but it's better than losing my combat sense."


"...... But, once you graduate and start your own family, there won't be many opportunities left for you to wield a blade.

I don't think even the young ladies of the Eight Families are any different in that regard."


Although Kiyoko's tone of voice was one of dismay, her opinion was also a natural one.


In the traditional sense, a woman's main duty is to stay within the family, even if she is a member of a noble family. This is the common sense in Takamagahara.

The martial arts that women learn are often only for leisure, and even if they have received the rank of guardian in the [Shrine Parishioner Lottery], they usually do not have the opportunity to be recruited to work as a member of the warrior class.


Even at Tenryō Academy, which is home to many samurai and noble families, the women's department does not offer a course in martial arts training.



"We never know when an unforeseen disturbance may occur.

I'm sure we'll get news of it soon, but there was a Haykki Yagyo in Karen's first district."


"No way."


Kiyoko looked at Saki's words with a dumbfounded stare.

Although she knew it was not a lie that was worth telling, she still found the information hard to believe.


Karen is the center of the Shumon Province, and the 1st District is its heart, the knee of the Shumon Province's Divine Pillar.

The headquarters of the garrison was also located there, and it was supposed to be the most heavily guarded district in Karen.


"It was a little too small to be called Hyakki Yagyo, but a powerful metamorph went on the rampage there.

Uncle Asogi happened to be at the headquarters and was able to contain the damage."


"I see, Uncle Asogi, huh?

...... That's a relief then."


Perhaps it was because her first love was mentioned, but Kiyoko was visibly relieved.

As one of the most powerful individuals in Shumon Province, Asogi Genji has earned the trust of both the nobility and the commoners, and deservedly so.


"In the Karen's disturbance, the damage came mainly from among the nobility.

I heard that an active guardian belonging to the garrison was killed by the metamorph without being able to resist."


"That means ......"


Kiyoko's expression clouded as she realized what Saki meant.


The garrison is the front-line organization in the fight against Kegare. ...... It should have the most experience in fighting against Kegare.

The fact that the guardians, which is the symbol of this organization, have suffered casualties means that the guardians' combat skills have declined significantly.


"I know that women are supposed to stay at home, but as a guardian, it's not acceptable to say that I couldn't fight in an emergency.

Kiyoko, you should practice your spirit skills too."


"...... Got it."


The Hyakki Yagyo to the Central Capital has only received a warning from the Shumon Province, and the situation has not yet been ascertained.

However, an emergency might happen at any moment.


Kiyoko affirmed Saki's warning.

Relieved that Kiyoko had agreed with her, Saki left her room in the dormitory.



Saki hurried her feet in the opposite direction of the flow of male students who were heading for the morning training.

Perhaps the sight of Saki in her training clothes was unusual, or perhaps the eyes of passersby unconsciously followed her swaying ponytail.


Passing by the tram that had begun to move, Saki headed toward the dojo of the garrison, which was located not far from Tenryō Academy.


Even though it was early in the morning, the dojo was filled with activity.

The tips of wooden swords were swung down in time with the rhythm, and the polished oak floorboards creaked in unison each time.


Although most of the participants were drill soldiers, she could see Akira and Genji standing in a corner a little further away from the others.


The two men, who are of different builds, were swinging wooden swords in unison.

At first glance, their actions appear to be mirror images of each other, but Genji seems to be left dissatisfied.


"You're not moving fast enough! Don't break your offensive step!"


"Yes, sir!!"


Each swing was met with a shout of rage, and Akira, too, was aware of it, and without rebuttal, took the brunt of Genji's bare words.


"―Sorry I'm late, Uncle."


"We're just having a little workout ahead of you.

As expected, it's a bit far from Ojou's dormitory, right? Wouldn't it be better to rent the academy's training hall instead of the garrison's dojo?"


In response to this suggestion, Saki only responded with a wry smile and did not say a word.

Saki had already considered Genji's suggestion.


Even with the rank of guardian, women's skills basically do not go beyond the realm of self-defense.

This may be the reason why the academy's training halls are exclusively occupied by male students.


If she went to the academy's training hall, she was sure to be looked at with inquiry and curiosity.

Although it was no different in the dojo of the garrison, the presence of Akira and Genji might make Saki feel more at ease.


It was a natural decision for Saki to join Akira and Genji in the garrison.


She picked up a wooden naginata hanging on the wall.

From the feeling of the spiritual power passing through her palm, she understood that it was a 4th-rank spirit vessel.


Twice, thrice. The tip of the blade drew a large circular motion, and then she stood in front of Akira.

It was the same position she had taken throughout the summer.


Without anything in particular being pointed out, the training resumed in silence.



After a while, when the chilly early autumn air could no longer disguise the heat generated during the training, Genji clapped his hands to stop Akira and the others from training.


"―Alright, I think it's about time.

Let's wrap it up with the next one."


""Yes, sir.""


Saki and Akira turned to face each other and readied their wooden blades as beads of sweat ran down their cheeks.

Eventually, with Genji's swinging hand gesture, Saki and Akira closed the gap at the same time.


The power of the spirit of fire-element represents the pure destruction of existence itself.

Therefore, the Kihoin-school's techniques focused on continuous attacks.


Saki controlled the spiritual power swirling around her and infused all of it in the spirit vessel so as not to spill any of it.

She aimed at Akira's upper arm, drawing an arc from Hassō-no-kamae.


Confronting Akira, who has an absolute affinity for spiritual power, Saki is forced to realize one fact.


Even if Akira's skill was inferior to Saki's, Saki couldn't win against Akira who was fully motivated.

The blessing of Shuka that Akira possessed would never disappear as long as Akira was filled with divine energy.


To overcome this absurdity and defeat Akira, it was necessary to reduce the number of moves more than anything else.

A Spirit vessel is essential for exercising a spirit technique that falls under the category of external power. If she could knock it off, there would be a small chance for Saki to win.


Betting on that one chance, Saki aimed at Akira's right hand.


Perhaps her aim was obvious, Akira retracted the right half of his body and received the naginata with the ridge of his wooden sword.

An impact that could not be ignored, even if it did not become a spirit technique, swallowed Akira.


Perhaps startled by the thunderous noise that resounded through the dojo, the drill soldiers who were wielding wooden swords stopped their hands involuntarily and turned their gazes to look at them.


However, Akira, who had no time to pay attention to their gazes, took one step toward Saki with his feet still on the offensive after receiving the impact.

He left a trail of lingering flames at his feet as he moved toward Saki's front.


Small, but sharp. Aiming at Saki's shoulder, a slash was struck down.

If Saki's weapon were a wooden sword, there would have been no way to escape from it.


The wooden naginata's ishizuki (butt-end) sprang up in time with the trajectory of Akira's slash.

The thrust forcefully parried the wooden sword and caused Akira's upper body to be exposed.


The advantage of the naginata is that it can maintain uninterrupted attacks by using its spearheads and its ishizuki.

Akira, with his wooden sword, could not match the speed of the attacks.


The spearhead of the naginata struck Akira, who was completely exposed, in the side of the head.


However, they had crossed strikes many times. Akira had anticipated this turn of events.

He forcefully met the spearhead with the hilt of the wooden sword, and parried the naginata away.

And then, launched another slash.




Saki's gasped as if taken aback.

An intersecting moment. Akira released a horizontal slash from the left side.



"Umm, my apologies. ......Ojō-sama."


"Hm, about what?"


After the match was over and Genji, who had work remaining to do, left first.

As Saki was returning the borrowed naginata back to the wall, a hesitant voice of Akira was heard coming from behind her.


"About the match just now. I think I dealt a pretty serious blow."


"Yep. It's a little bit of a challenge.

...... I was even stopped breathing for a moment."


She was struck on the side, and there was nothing that could stop the impact from rising in her lungs.

She wiped her sweat with the cotton hand towel offered to her and activated her spiritual power to relieve the dull pain that remained.


"Are you all right?"


"Don't worry about it. It's normal to lose in a match, and I've done a fair amount of blows myself, too.

Look. Akira-kun, you even have a bruise, too."


Despite Saki's unchanged tone, the expression on Akira's face remained unconvinced.

Even though it was a match, it was a man beating a woman. Akira must have had some regrets about that fact.


However, Saki ignored him and forcefully grabbed his left arm.

The bruise on the exposed arm was apparent blue.


"...... See, you're bleeding."


"This much is fine."


The blood was slightly seeping from the wound. Frowning at the small, swollen crimson bead, Saki forcibly picked up the bandage that had been prepared.

Wipe the wound with a cloth and carefully wrap a bandage around it.


"Don't. What if you get an infection?


Saki leaned in close to Akira and whispered into his ear.

"Akira-kun, how much divine energy do you have left?"


Akira's expression tensed at Saki's concern.


The current Akira is only blessed with enough divine energy to keep it filled.

Now that he is not standing in Shumon Province, Shuka's blessing can only be maintained until his divine energy runs out.


"......I've never paid attention to how much divine power I have left, but I haven't felt it diminish to the point where I can physically feel it."


"I'd like to remind you that your current spirit power is limited.

So, please refrain from using unnecessary spirit techniques."




Spirit techniques are superior in terms of power and speed, but on the other hand, they also have the problem of consuming more spirit power than Onmyojutsu.


Saki and the others who have spirits in their bodies, can wait for recovery over time, but the problem is that this is not possible for Akira, who is away from Shuka, the main source of his divine protection.


In any case, if Akira so wished, he could draw out an unlimited amount of power.

Even if the price for this is the loss of spirit power, the right to control it rests entirely on Akira's part.


In the current situation, the challenge that Akira faced was, above all, how to restrain himself in this land far from divine protection.


Good. Saki looked at the neatly wrapped bandage with satisfaction and moved away from Akira.

Realizing that they were too close, even for the purpose of treatment, they naturally smiled shyly at each other.


The morning training was over, and before they noticed it, the soldiers standing around them were beginning to disperse at a rapid pace.


"We should go back to the academy as well. Or we'll be late for classes.

Have you gotten used to the academy's classes, Akira-kun?"


"Yes. The content is the same as that of an ordinary junior high school."


Saki looked at him enviously as they walked side by side.


Although Akira was not standing out, he was showing his talent in all aspects of literature and martial arts.

He is not only adept at swordsmanship, but also at history, mathematics, and even politics.


Regardless of him being a Kanna-no-Mikura, it is the result of his own talent and efforts.

Although he did not attract attention because he kept using concealment by wishing to the spirits, the existence of Akira had begun to rise in this short school life as he remained hidden.


The ginkgo leaf which showed a color change in a cold winter swayed. A scene of such a morning.


On this day, Akira plucked one from Saki for the first time.



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