Monday, June 17, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 9 Part 2

Volume 3

Chapter 9 Part 2

The Girl Comes, Raising the Signal 2

Translator : PolterGlast

Yuge Kojou's mouth twitched as distant thunder roared across the dense night darkness.

Overhead, the sky was filled with enough starlight to light the way.

The thunderous sound that echoed through the night sky was proof of the Jinrouin-school's spirit technique.


"......That bastard, he used Thunderstorm (Shitsurai).

Either he was cornered to the point of exercising his weakness, ...... or he just had a soft spot for Akira-kun and the others."


Jin, who had shown his abilities by far the best among his peers, was apprehensive about the fact that he was having difficulty finding someone to form a friendship with, even though it was hardly a disruption.

Kojou had hoped for a natural friendship between him and Akira, but it seemed that the roll of the dice had turned out to be a very good one.

A momentary flame rose a short distance away.

It must be Asogi Genji's spirit technique. The flame was too quiet to be considered an explosion, and was perfectly controlled.

It was not like a fire spirit user, but still, the brilliant and powerful strike was fascinating to behold.

Yuge Kojou was most fortunate to have established a friendship with Asogi Genji that transcended provincial boundaries.

The friendship that allows one to entrust one's back to another without fear of losing one's heart is a precious asset to a guardian.

Kojou drew his sword, praying that the bond that had brought Jin and Akira together would last for a long time.


"I can't lose either.

Now then. Judging from the density of the miasma, the leader of the spiders should be somewhere around here."


Even as a metamorph, Jorōgumo is one of the least intelligent. Naturally, there is basically no need to worry about them using tactics such as concealing the miasma.

Even so, Kojou was never complacent in his actions, and he stepped deep into the darkness, as if he was determined to break through any traps.

From the depths of the miasma, a female metamorph appeared.

Teeth protruding from her gaping mouth, and a string of sticky threads tangling around Kojou's feet.


"Even as a trap, it's poorly laid."


Kojou, on the other hand, only muttered in a bored manner and, in a very natural motion, thrust his sword at the female face in front of him.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden― 

Tsumuji Kiba


The sharp tip of the sword was buried in the forehead of the mask, and the whirlpool of wind that exploded inside shattered the spider's limbs.

Quantity. The thought of the bugs, who prioritize the swarm over the death of an individual, led the spiders to continuously march toward Kojou without fear or end.

Each time, a slash pierced Jorōgumo, splitting its body apart.

Consecutive Technique, ―Ranguri Itoguruma.


"A desperate soldier who knows neither fear nor retreat. ―It is indeed troublesome, but that's all there is to it.

Once one gets used to it, one will understand it."


Even while cutting down the creatures that sprang up like a cloud and haze, there was no sign of stagnation in his steps.

Stepping over the scattered remnants, Kojou went further and further.

Eventually, Kojou's steps came to a halt in a wide-open space.


"Good grief, you've hidden yourself deep inside."


Ooho, ho, ho, ho, hoo...


A square illuminated by moonlight.

In the center of the square, where the trees were covered with sticky threads, a huge spider turned its reddish-black evil eyes toward Kojou.

Its eight limbs wriggled with creaking sounds, and its huge body, which seemed to be slow and heavy, bent slightly.

The stench of death and miasma that could not be concealed, accumulated from the remains of the living creatures lying around it, swirled and coiled up.

Was it irritated by Kojou's fighting spirit, or did it feel fear in the way that bugs do? Without knowing for sure, the giant spider kicked up the ground and headed toward Kojou.

Kojou, on the other hand, simply slashed his sword up into the air as if he cared nothing for the situation.

However, the gushing spirit power traced the trajectory of the sword, and a rising tornado overcame the jaws of the female-faced spider.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―

Sake Oroshi.


Ignoring the spider's huge frame as it thrown upward from its chin, Kojou took another step forward,

The intangible mallet struck down, and the female-faced spider's body was buried in the ground.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―

Ji Arashi.


Unable to resist, Jorōgumo was being toyed with by the storm, but it still stood its ground unperturbed.

Somewhat intrigued, Kojou took one glance at it.

A dense miasma surrounded its huge body, which was impossible for a normal Jorōgumo.


"......I see. That giant body is being reinforced by the miasma.

Is it a coincidence? Or perhaps―"


In the middle of this thought, the spider's body jumped, as if it would not wait for a respite.

Contrary to its outward appearance, the spider made a quick leap, and Kojou silently followed it with his gaze alone.

The trees that formed the outer layer of the nest were reaped, and with a loud bang, Jorōgumo sped up behind Kojou.

With the same momentum, Jorōgumo pounced on Kojou. However, its teeth only tore empty air instead.

It was easily evaded, and Jorōgumo's evil eye darted through the night in search of Kojou.


"Going around behind me isn't a bad idea, but ...... it's all just the shallow wits of insects after all."


A disinterested voice sounded from behind the spider.

Lured by the sound, it turned its body only to found a brilliant glow, and Kojou's figure with his sword poised beside him.


"The throne has awakened, so let's finish this."


O, hohoho, ho!!


Perhaps provoked by Kojou's mutterings, Jorōgumo kicked the ground and rushed head-on toward him.

Kojou, on the other hand, simply swung his sword in a natural gesture.

A single silent strike, which was not even imbued by a slight breeze or spirit power, pierced through the spider's momentum.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden―



The throat of the woman-faced spider was severed, and a tiny storm of wind ripped through the spider's body as if devouring it.

Thud. After a few moments of walking, the spider's limb, having lost its power, collapsed with a ground-shaking thud.

After confirming that the surrounding threat had completely subsided, Kojou let out a single exhale, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.



*Smack*. With an unreserved sound, Genji's fist fell on Akira's head.


"~~~~ Ouch, ouch!!"


Understanding his intention, Akira accepted the blow and gasped in agony at the sparks flashing in his field of vision.

Seeing this, Genji let out a big sigh.


"I wonder how many times I have to teach you that it is a foolish thing to go ahead when you haven't secured a retreat route?"

"~~...... osu."


Akira understood. What he did was a bad move.

But it was also true that he could not suppress his impulses at that moment.

He has repeatedly told himself that he could not go on like this, but in the end, it has dragged on and on until now.

Worst of all, the scale of the consequences of this problem is getting greater and greater.

Previously, it was a laughing matter, but this time the problem has erupted to the point of disrupting the formation.

If things continue as they are, the next one could, in the worst-case scenario, result in casualties.

After all, Shuka's blessing, which has supported Akira's recklessness, is currently limited.

So he must do something about this impulse.

Akira felt a sense of frustration at not being able to move forward.

Rustle. The sound of falling leaves on the ground drew the attention of Saki, who had been watching her surroundings.

Beyond the dark spreading grove of trees, she recognized Kojou, wearing a guardian's haori, and let her guard down.


"Good work, Lord of the Yuge family."

"Yeah, you too, young lady Rindo.

The leader of Jorōgumo has been defeated. Now there should be only a few scattered ones left."

"I see."


Saki let out a loud sigh of relief at the news that they had passed a major hurdle.

Among the Jorōgumo, the huge one is the key to maintaining the miasma pool, and the purification of the Jorōgumo's nest is also a race against time on how quickly one can eliminate them.


"―So, what about Akira-kun?"

"......He's in the middle of being scolded for his arbitrary actions.

And tomorrow he'll have a special training course."


Kojou responded to Saki's gesture of holding back her laughter with a wry smile.

It was unknown when the Hyakki Yagyo would attack the Central Capital. And the mental state of Akira (Kanna-no-Mikura) could determine their victory or defeat.


Kojou looked around and saw Nakiri Jin running up to him.


"Thank you for your hard work, Master."

"Oh, Jin. Everything was under control, right?"

"Everything, except that Junior got a little careless."


When asked for details, Jin replied that Akira had failed to simultaneously use a talisman and a spirit technique.

Kojou wondered inwardly about this strange result.

Simultaneous exercise is indeed a special skill, but it is also a skill that must be memorized in the basics, at least when it comes to activating a talisman

Considering Akira's knowledge and his background as a Kanna-no-Mikura, it was an impossible failure.

Thinking that much, he shook his head.

He was curious, but going into the details could lead him astray.


"What else?"

"I was wondering about the lack of miasma that the commander of the garrison had mentioned.

It is true that the outskirts of the Central Capital were not so severe, but we ran into Jorōgumo just after traversing a single mountain, so there is a discrepancy here."


Although they are nothing more than a lesser metamorph individually, Jorōgumo's real strength lies in their numbers.

The strategy of using their numbers as a disposable tool is an effective tactic that cannot be ignored in any situation.


"......According to Ninokuruwadono, I suppose one could consider the area beyond the mountains to be a rural area.

The suburbs of the Central Capital are the outer perimeter of the five elemental barriers. Therefore, it is only natural that there are few defiled beasts."


The Five Elements Barrier is a great barrier that connects the five mountains of the Central Capital's outer perimeter, which are directly connected to the dragon dens of the Five Provinces, and makes the Central Capital itself a divine realm.

The Central Capital is proud of this barrier that has not been breached for 4,000 years, but from Ninokuruwa's description, it can be inferred that the city has been immersed in lukewarm water for quite some time.

In short, he was just indulging in negligence in the name of trust.

Kojou gave a wry smile to his apprentice, who shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to Genji.

He called out to Genji, who had taken a distance from Akira, leaving him with a dejected look on his face.


"―The leader of Jorōgumo has been defeated.

If the people at the foot of the mountain (Shishido and his men) set up a blockade as per their drill, it won't be long before they are completely wiped out."

"We owe you a lot, Kojou-donok. If it was not for this foolish disciple of mine who disrupted the formation, it would have been a little faster."


After shaking his head and saying that there was nothing to worry about, Kojou hushed his voice so that Akira and the others would not hear him.

Aside from Akira's issues, there were other concerns as well.


"Genji, about Shishido and the others......"

"I know. ...... It's infuriating, but I bet they knew about these Jorōgumo."


As expected.

Kojou's stomach churned in agreement with Genji's bitter reply.

There are certainly fewer defiled beasts around the Five Elements barrier than in Karen, and testimonies say that this is a common occurrence.

He had not found any discrepancies in the past few years' records, so he had not mentioned it, although he doubted it.

As the days passed with a sense of uneasiness, he heard the news of the mountain hunt.

Just knowing the meaning of the expression on Ninokuruwa's face when he expressed his intention to take part made it all clear.

The slightly outnumbered Seko team and the poor decision-making that led up to the blockade of the mountain.

Perhaps, from the very beginning, they had planned to abandon the Seko team.


"......They are reducing the number of mouths to feed. What a terrible thing to hide.

If this is the case just by crossing a single mountain, how much more is there to uncover further beyond?"

"Jorōgumo may not come out of its nest very often, but they underestimate the threat.

......There were rumors in the Karen garrison that some of them were doing something similar."


The explosive increase in population with the rise of medical technology on the Western Continent has put pressure on the economic situation of the garrison.

Even the garrison in Karen, which has been developing remarkably, was concerned about this problem. It is easy to guess how this would affect the Central Capital as well, where the area per capita is limited.

In Karen, as he recalled, a group led by a nobility close to Banda had been at the center of this problem.

By now, they must be busy competing for power and for their successors.


"Shall we file a complaint?"

"It would be bad for the Eight Families to have a rift with the Old Families.

Especially now that we don't really know what's going on around us."


Unlike the Genji and the others, who would be largely irrelevant once they return to Karen, the Eight Families, especially the well-known Yuge Kojou, would have some kind of rift with the Old Families.

Genji could not afford to make a decision that would cause unnecessary trouble when the situation was still full of uncertainty.

Genji and the others were deep in thoughts for a while.

Kojou, who had been folding his arms, looked up at the mountain ridge beyond the darkness.


"...... Let's figure it out based on the information that can't be concealed.

The reports about the miasma pools will be coming in from the rural areas, so there should be no room for deception regarding this."

"I see. At the very least, if there is an abnormality in the windhole, the Central Capital's upper echelons will never be able to ignore it, right?"


Rail transportation in the Central Province has only recently started to develop.

If the railroad business, which has been in the limelight, were to run into trouble due to the concealment of the miasma, the very existence of the old family would be called into question.

As long as their own well-being was at stake, it would be impossible for them to cover up the miasma situation.


"Just thinking about it won't get us anywhere, will it?"


Genji raised one hand to signal to Akira and the others, who had been resting and staying alert.

They followed Genji's instructions and began to prepare to descend the mountain while Kojou watched from the side, shrugging his shoulders as he sheathed his sword back.


"Well, it would be nice if we could at least say something to Shishido and the others.

......But they're not the kind of people who would change their minds over a sarcastic remark, though."


How good it would be if they did.

Kojou noticed the desire mixed within this sarcasm, knowing it was futile, he did not respond to it with words.



Asari Kiyoko returned to her room in the dormitory with a yawn and blinked her eyelids at the sight of her roommate sitting at her desk.


"Huh? Saki, weren't you on overnight duty?"

"Gosh. What time do you think it is? The sun has already risen, you know?"


In response to the girl's tone of exasperation, she turned her gaze out of the window.

As Saki pointed out, the bright sunlight of the sunny day shone into her eyes.

There were already a lot of people on the other side of the window, and Kiyoko stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.


"Looks like I'm being too laid-back because it's a holiday."

"It's not something that will go away after marriage, so you need to change your habits while you still can."


Yes, mother. Kiyoko chuckled at the girl's nagging tone as she sat down at her desk.

As she turned her body to face the girl, she noticed a newspaper headline peeking out from the girl's hand.


"―Jinrouin's heir, about to be admitted to the central capital in two years' time, huh?"

"The Jinrouin family is planning to visit Tenryō Academy for a tour along with Hibiki and Yuge Kojou......, I see.

This is amazing, isn't it? With this, we have all the direct descendants of the Four Sovereigns in the Central Capital.


Kiyoko tilted her head slightly at the tone of voice, which was not like her usual one, as if she was talking about someone else's business.

In addition to the fact that Saki came from the Eight Families, her connection with Kihoin has also been a highlight recently.

So, it was kinda unusual for Saki to be behaving like this.


"Well, I'm a little relieved that I'll be able to stay on schedule."

"Schedule? Do you have some kind of meeting?"


Hearing Kiyoko's question, the girl smiled and changed the subject.

Wary of the potential for trouble if she asked for more details, Kiyoko refrained from pursuing the matter further.

After a brief chat, the girl stood up.

With the newspaper under her arm, she made her way to the entrance of the dormitory.


"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"My eyes are a bit wide awake. I'm going for a walk outside."


Off you go then. Kiyoko's reply was heard, and the kimono-clad woman disappeared behind the door.

The strange silence made Kiyoko feel better, and she went back to her desk to continue her self-study.

For a few moments, the quiet sound of pencils running is the only sound that breaks the silence.

The autumn breeze made the hem of her school uniform flutter and Saki returned to the dormitory with a yawn, just as Kiyoko had forgotten the casual conversation in the morning.



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