Thursday, June 20, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 6.3


Volume 4 Chapter 6.3

Into the Depths of the Pit Part 3


Leaving the demonic beasts approaching from behind to their companions, Nozomu, Irisdina, and Feo continued to push forward through the intricate network of waterways beneath Arcazam.

He was not worried about being caught off guard. But Nozomu frowned at the strange feeling that welled up in his chest.

Something is wrong. As if in tune with his uneasiness, Irisdina, running next to him, opened her mouth.


"Say, Nozomu. Don't you think something is not right?"

"......About what?"

"Ken Nortice's recent behavior. He had been behaving almost perfectly for several years before and since he framed you. And yet......."

"Indeed. He's been acting awfully sloppy ever since I started questioning him, has he?"


Irisdina nodded silently as she replied.


"Yeah. I hate to say this, but he could have handled it better."


In fact, when Nozomu confronted him, Ken said that his rumors had been established as fact.

Basically, people rarely change the impression of someone once made. Unless something extraordinary happens, a person's impression becomes fixed and consistent.

Nozomu's isolation at the school was due to two factors: his low competence and the bad reputation of being a cheater. And only one of them could be completely overturned. As long as the other remains, third parties will always have doubts.

In other words, Ken should not normally be in a state of urgency just yet.

And yet, he made his move. In a way that was so unusual and discomfiting, an attempted murder.

The impatience that his superiority was about to collapse, the jealousy that had been building up over the years, and the fact that he had not been accepted by Lisa. Maybe it's the result of all of these things piling up......


"......In any case, we don't have the answer right now. Let's prioritize catching Ken first."

"I concur. And since they are kidnapping Lisa-kun, ...... there would be a possibility that she could be taken as a hostage."


After shaking off the uncomfortable feeling that stuck in their heads, they hurried onward.

Then they arrived at a huge cylindrical space.

It was a reservoir designed to prevent the sewage flowing from various parts of the city from overflowing.

On all sides were channels through which water flowed from the various districts of the city, and the entire floor was covered with blocks with several small holes drilled in them. The sound of water streaming down came from underneath the blocks.

There were two shadows in the center of the reservoir. They were Ken and Lisa, the ones Nozomu has been pursuing.


"What the hell do you think you're doing!? Why did you take Lisa out and let that monster get close to her!?"

[It can't be helped, can it~? We had to stall for time to escape from this city~~]


Ken and Mefi were arguing. Apparently, taking Lisa to hunt down Nozomu had angered Ken. It was also confirmed that they were trying to flee outside the city with Lisa. Considering that they were using Caskell, their destination would be the Empire.

As Nozomu and the others entered the reservoir, Ken noticed the presence of his pursuers.


"You guys......."

"Ken. Let Lisa go."

"Shut up!"


Without giving it a second thought, Ken fired his magic at the three pursuers. [Intermediate Magic Icicle Dance]. A magic that launches multiple ice spears to skewer one's opponents. More than ten icicles attacked Nozomu and the others.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 11, 2024.

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