Thursday, June 13, 2024

[Teaser] DCO Volume 4 Chapter 6.1


Volume 4 Chapter 6.1

Into the Depths of the Pit Part 1


The Guard's headquarters is a four-story building that exists in the center of the administrative district.

It is the stronghold of the guards who are responsible for the defense and maintaining the public order in Arcazam. Nozomu was being held in a jail on the third underground level of the building.

This jail is used to detain major criminals. The cell is surrounded on all sides by thick masonry walls, and on one wall there is a thick metal door with small iron bars.

The space between the cells is wide, and each cell is further encased in a barrier that increases the strength of the stone walls and doors and prevents any sound from leaking out.

The only light provided was a magic lamp on the ceiling, which dimly illuminated the inside of the cell.


(They acted faster than expected. Moreover, the arrangements for arresting me were also very precise. This means that Ken has a powerful backer, stronger than I expected.)


Alone in his prison cell, Nozomu rested his back against the cold wall, contemplating the situation.

He had expected this to some extent since the Cracked-Crown Giant Centipede was controlled by the lesser spirit known as Mefi, but this time, Nozomu became convinced.

Someone is cooperating with Ken. And among them are those who are quite familiar with the inner workings of the academy. They even use people from intelligence organizations such as the Starlight as puppets. Considering that the guards came at the perfect time, it is reasonable to assume that Ken or his collaborators were pulling the strings behind the scenes.


(I can't solve this on my own. I need to ask for help from Anri-sensei and Jihad-sensei.)


How many pawns did Ken make? As long as he doesn't know the total number of his opponents, it's not a good idea to continue to be detained like this.


(I wonder if Camilla is alright......)


Camilla, who was seriously injured, was given first aid and then taken away. He didn't know where she was taken. All Nozomu could do now was pray for her safety.


(The fact that Ken discarded her in such a manner means that he is no longer interested in her. But our current situation is still not hopeless either...... There should be something I can do.)


Ken easily discarded Camilla, who had been cooperating with him for several years. Even though he had originally threatened her to cooperate with him by using her past to blackmail her, he must be truly backed into a corner since he acted in a way that would kill her.


(Anyway, I have to think of a way to get out of here.)


Nozomu slowly tapped the wall on which he was leaning against with the back of his fist. With a hard thump, a slight ripple of magic light spread across the wall of the cell. It was designed to prevent destruction caused by magic or Qi-jutsu, and no sound could be heard from the outside. The barrier completely blocked out sound.


(I don't have lock-picking skills. So the only way to get out would be by force.)


If he were to do that, he would become a real criminal. And everything would be exactly as Ken wanted it to be.

How can I get out of this prison? As Nozomu was lost in thought, he felt a tingling sensation throughout his body.

He stared at the cell wall facing the corridor.

Something was approaching from the end of the corridor. It was something with hostile intent. His sixth sense, trained in the Spasim forest where demonic beasts roam, detected an approaching presence even though he did not hear a sound.

Nozomu then dropped himself flat to the floor. Amidst the discouraging atmosphere of being motionless, the visitor, clearly clad in an unusual atmosphere, stopped in front of the cell.

This is just a teaser.
The full chapter is currently only available for my Patrons.
This chapter will be available for free on July 4, 2024.

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