Thursday, June 13, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 9 Part 1

Volume 3

Chapter 9 Part 1

The Girl Comes, Raising the Signal 1

Translator : PolterGlast

It was late at night, when the autumn chill could no longer be disguised. Akira and the others were in the mountains to the west of the Central Capital.

The flickering torches scattered sparks, and the rising smoke wafted through the trees with incantations to ward off beasts.

The Seko team, which had gone ahead of the others from the mountainside toward the foot of the mountain, must have found some kind of pack.

As the tension and excitement of the mountain hunt lingered in the night air, the chimes to ward off the beasts were rung in unison from the mountainside.

On this day, Akira and the others, after being informed of the mountain hunt, had been forced to participate in the mountain hunt under the pretext of their superior's orders.

Listening carefully to the sound of the whistle blown between the chimes of the bells, Akira turned his attention to Asogi Genji, who was waiting in the rear.

Jin and Saki, who had been keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings, also glanced like Akira did.


"Commence, insects, and many."

"Judging from the yin-yang meter, they are not that strong, but that whistle sounds quite flustered.

I thought today's mountain hunt wasn't supposed to be provoking that far into the depths, was it?"


Shishido Harutake, the commander of the Central Capital's 2nd garrison, turned to Genji and shrugged his shoulders lightly.

Although Genji and the others were guests who had been authorized by their superiors, they must have had some conflicting feelings about being on the same side as those who had been forced to participate in the mountain hunt.

As they had been spending their days together for a while now, they noticed how lightly they were being treated.


"We're not even 30 minutes after entering the mountain.

It may be difficult for the protectors, but for the Seko team, if they can make it to the midpoint of the mountain, they will be fine."


Indeed. Genji agreed with Shishido's point of view.

The planned start time for the mountain hunt was supposed to be half an hour after the entry.

It was also possible that Seiko had unexpectedly found a swarm of Kegare and was flustered.

And since they started at such a shallow position, it was possible that they might just end up provoking the mountain.


"......Captain Asogi! The chimes were scattered, they might be devoured!"

"Looks like the Seko team taunted too many of them.

Uncle, I don't think they could even afford to send out a distress signal."


In front of Genji, who crossed his arms, Akira and Saki raised their voices.

The sound of the bells chimes reaching their ears had lost their rhythm and became indistinct.

This means that the spell to ward off beasts cast on the bells was not fully effective.

Although the details remained unclear, it seemed certain that the formation of the Seko team had begun to collapse.


"......This is bad. We will send a messenger to the foot of the mountain, increase the number of torches to ward off the beasts and seal off the mountain.

The main formation will fall back to the border. ―Everyone, retreat."

"Hold on! You are not going to rescue the Seko team?"


Yuge Kojou, who had remained silent up to that point, raised his voice at Shishido's order.

However, he did not look at Shishido.

Instead, his gaze remained fixed on the mountainside in the darkness of the night.


"....... Isn't it obvious? It would be foolish to endanger the regular soldiers for the sake of a few drill soldiers. ―It would be the most foolish decision a head of the garrison could make."

"I think you are too hasty in your judgment rather than confirming whether it is dangerous or not.

You know that there is a time when a plan is ripe. Over-ripeness is bad, but green ones are poisonous."

"Haste is the foundation of military strategy. If we're too hasty, we'll just wait for the right opportunity.

...... Therefore, we will wait for the Seko team at the foot of the mountain until morning."


The strongest in Takamagahara. Perhaps aware of the weight of this title, Shishido's tone was tinged with respect. 

But his intention did not waver, and he immediately refused to say anything more.

Following Shishido's orders, the surrounding people began to retreat.

As Shishido turned on his heel to do the same, Genji's voice was heard from behind him.


"You know that we, people from the Shumon Province, have been permitted to make our own decisions, right?

We're planning to go into the mountains for a bit now.

......There should be no problem, right?"

"Do as you please.

But I will make it clear in my report that you did not abide by my decisions."


Perhaps offended by the distrust shown to him by his equals, even though they belong to different parties, Shishido turned his back on them completely without stopping.

The only ones left behind were Akira and the other five who had been entrusted to the 2nd garrison.


"Fine by me.

Akira, let's go for a short walk in the mountains. We're going to pick up some stray drill soldiers."

"Yes, sir."


Genji was in a bad mood as well.

But, with the three's unhesitating response, Genji took the first step toward the path leading to the mountain.

Weaving their way through the thicket of trees in the mountains, Akira and the others ran up the slope.

The slope was steep, but for those who were exercising Aragamioroshi, it was not much different from level ground.

Aside from the grove of trees that flowed past them from front to back, Akira listened carefully to what was beyond.

People running away and several huge presences.

As the miasma drifting from beyond the darkness thickened, he noticed that the air had become tinged with bloody stench.


"......Genji, about that Shishido from earlier."

"Don't mention it right now, Yuge-dono.

Akira. Your steps showed your impatience. If you don't want to get hurt badly, don't let your mind get distracted."



Akira, aware of Genji's point, replied shortly while sprinting.

He understood it in his mind. But an uncontrollable impatience leaked out of the corner of his mouth.

The control of spiritual power is directly related to the mental control of the mind.

After all, the mastery of one's spiritual technique depends on how well one controls oneself.

Naturally, it is impossible to fully exercise spiritual techniques when one is in a restless or wandering state of mind.

He understands that.

Regrets of his past failures flashed through his mind.

Akira's own responsibility, which he tried to forget, but could not.


O, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho..!


""Hī ~i~iiii~""


A charming voice, similar to that of a human woman, but still driven mad by the miasma that could not possibly be human, accompanied by desperate cries of fear and terror.

Mixed in with the night air, the stench of miasma and blood stung Akira's nostrils.

Spirit power responded to Akira's wish, and lingering flames danced around his feet as he stomped powerfully.

Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―


"―I'm going ahead!"


That was all he could say to Genji.

The swirling spiritual force carved afterflames into the ground, and Akira was one step ahead of Genji and the others.


"Oi, wait!"


Akira's figure, which had overstepped its instructions and accelerated even faster, disappeared beyond the trees that blocked the way, despite Genji's efforts to restrain it.

Akira's body has an unusually high affinity with spirits. Therefore, the spirit techniques that Akira uses have an excessive amount of power over him.

He was aware of this. It was also true that he was worried about it.


"Damn that fool."


However, Genji had not expected that Akira would storm out of control to the point of disrupting the formation before coming in contact with the enemy.


"Uncle. Let me assist Akira-kun."

"Miss! ―Sorry, I'm counting on you."


She responded to Genji's instruction with a nod, and an afterflame danced beneath her feet.

Saki's body disappeared beyond the trees along with the trail of the afterflame.


"Judging from the numbers and the cries, I'd assume our opponents are Jorōgumo. They are small, but when they form a swarm, they can't be ignored.

Jin, follow Akira-kun and Saki-kun and stay with them."



A consenting voice returned, and Jin disappeared into the darkness, leaving Genji and Kojou behind.


"Genji, I think we should scatter.

We should worry more about our surroundings now than Akira-kun."

"...... I suppose so."


Genji agreed to Yuge Kojou's fair advice with a tone that only left a trace of bitterness in his voice.

The two of them, without killing the momentum of their sprint, turned their feet in their respective directions.

Yes, Akira is not the only problem.


The miasma-tinged sounds coming from the surrounding area were still resounding with excitement.

Jumping onto a steeply descending slope, Akira ran down across it as if sliding.


The air was filled with the fierce rustling of fallen leaves, and a creature stirring in the darkness of the night turned its entire body to face him.

The owner of the evil eye, which moved its eight limbs in wiggles, was a gigantic bug measuring as much as 3.4 meters.

A spider body with a woman's face that resembled a Noh mask.

Jorōgumo, a metamorph of a spider that nestles deep in the mountains, threatened Akira with its blood-soaked proboscis.

Oho, ku, fu, fu, fu.




At its feet, the figure of a paralyzed soldier, whose thigh had been pierced by its limb, came into view.

The miasma, which was becoming denser and denser, rushed into Akira's nostrils and turned into a needle pain in his lungs.

Forcing down the pain he was about to cough up, Akira swung his spirit vessel.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden―




An angry cry was heard as a searing slash was released, causing Jorōgumo to be split into upper and lower parts.

The miasma's putrid poison was sprayed in droplets, further corroding the air.

The concentration of the poison was so dense that a commoner with only the lowest level of protection could be killed by it alone if one were to be inflicted with a serious wound.

The decision was made in an instant. Akira's blade severed the limb that pierced the drill soldier.

He pulled the soldier away from the crumbling spider's body and kicked up a cloud of dust to take a distance.


"T-Thank you......" "Don't let your guard down, they're coming!!"


They were still in the midst of a nest filled with malevolence.

Akira dared to ignore the clinging soldier and kneaded up the spirit power.

He controlled the mass of heat rising from his tanden and infused it into his spirit vessel.

He held out the blade that was raging with scorching heat and swung it at the shadows of the spiders that pounced on him.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Shoden―



The dancing flames and shock of the explosion scattered the swarming spiders, creating a momentary calm with Akira at the center.

It's not enough, burn them down!

As Akira suppressed the wolf (instinct) that cried out arrogantly in the depths of his thoughts, he turned his attention back to the soldier behind him, his calmness slightly restored.

He then glanced at the onrushing Jorōgumo, and then further stacked Kyūshou on top of it.

The spiders, which was closing in, flew through the air, and in that gap, Akira pulled out an earth-element talisman.

While the layered Kyūshou repelled the spiders' approach, his left finger formed a sword finger.

He swung his sword finger down to activate the talisman―,

However, Akira stared in astonishment at his fingertip, which failed to sever the spiritual threads.

Without missing this opportunity, the female-faced spider leaped at him.

The woman's mouth flapped open, leaving Akira no chance to avoid it.

Her teeth, coated with a miasma-like poison, drew a viscous thread, and loomed in toward Akira.

There is no way to avoid it.




Violet-colored spirit light danced along with the voice of a concerned girl.


Kihoin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―

"Hotobori Garasu!"


The tip of the naginata blade was sucked into Jorōgumo's abdomen.

No flames erupted, not even an impact. Just a pure thermal sphere enveloped the area from where the cleave was buried.

Even if the flames and impact were suppressed, there was almost no way to defend against the pure purifying heat.

Above all, the Jorōgumos that were closing in on Akira were exposed to a spirit technique that spread the inevitable nature of the technique, and all of them were obliterated.

In this momentary relief, an exhale escaped from Saki's mouth.



"Thank you, Ojou-sama."


Akira, who had regained his composure after witnessing Saki's spirit technique, expressed his gratitude.

The woman nodded her head and her eyes flashed wide as she saw the talisman that had fallen at Akira's feet.


"Has your head cooled down? ―To think that you tried to activate a talisman while maintaining a spirit technique."

"I didn't expect it to fail......"


He knew what went wrong.

The sword finger had failed. Spiritual power dispersed from the tip of a gesture that he should have been accustomed to.

If one were to use an analogy, it is as if the left and right hands were performing different tasks and the non-dominant hand failed.

The sword finger is the basis of the Onmyoujutsu, the art of writing spirit power in space.

Its system is fundamentally different from spirit techniques and requires great expertise to be used simultaneously with spirit techniques, even if it is only to activate a talisman.

A normal protector would learn how to simultaneously activate spells when reaching the 5th-rank, but Akira, who had undergone rushed training, had no knowledge of this.

Naturally, it was not a skill that could be practiced on the first try.

No matter how good Kanna-no-Mikura was, it was impossible for him to do anything reckless just by relying on the divine protection, especially, when he currently so far away from its source.


"Please be careful. ―This is not Shumon Province, there is no Aka-sama who will pardon Akira-kun's recklessness."

"Indeed,...... I guess so."


It was Akira who went ahead with all his might.

With no room to argue, in front of Saki's stern tone, Akira hung his head down with a heavy heart.


"―Yo. Are the lover’s quarrel over already?"


Saki, wondering if she had said a little too much, put her tongue back in her mouth upon seeing Akira's appearance.

Behind her, Jin, in a tone of dismay, called out to them.


"L-Lover!? You got it wrong, I was just was―!!"

"Yeah, you're just teaching him, right? I understand that, but that's no excuse."


It’s so hot. Even though summer had already passed, he fanned his chest with his hand, as if to express his thoughts.

Saki was pissed off by Jin's gesture, but she took a glance at his rear and her dissatisfaction dropped.

The countless Jorōgumo that should be coming toward them were somehow mutilated and scattered about.

Individually, they are weak, but to slaughter so many of them in such a short period of time is no easy feat.

There was no doubt about Nakiri Jin's skill, even if he had to concede some ground due to the rise of Ugetsu Souma and Kuga Ryota.


"So, ―is he one of the survivors from Seko Unit? What about the others?"

"I-I was a decoy. The others went down the mountain along the stream......"

"Not a bad decision. ......I'll give it a 20 points."


Although he described it as "not bad", the score he gave back was rather harsh.

Jin shrugged his shoulders lightly at Akira who blinked his eyes at him.


"The worst thing is that you will be intoxicated with self-sacrifice.

If you can't even figure out how to survive, you will always be a third-rate drill soldier."


Work hard. As if to say so, Jin patted the head of the soldier and turned his attention back to the monsters writhing in the night darkness.

The female-faced spiders peeked at Akira and the others from a distance, perhaps they had suffered from being hit by the previous spirit techniques.


"They are not attacking us, huh?"

"Most likely, they are laying traps for us over there.

It is a Jorōgumo's nature to be tricky to defend against."


Saki responded with a light tone of voice.

Jorōgumo is a nest-building metamorph. If they were to venture into the nest without precautions, they would have a hard time getting out.


A few moments of hesitation.

As Jin turned his gaze upward to the fading moonlight, something fell toward Akira and the others through the night darkness.


"What is that?"


A large, round, sphere-like object.

Contrary to its apparent size, it seemed to be light, and its approaching momentum was somewhat sluggish.

Akira, who had followed Jin's squinted eyes, saw it and his expression changed.


"It's a nest ball!"



In response to the warning from Akira, Saki and Jin scatter apart.

As if shooting through the space between them, a ball woven from viscous thread fell with a light thud.

Oho, o, ho, ho, ho~!!

At the same time as the ball woven from viscous thread fell apart, the female-faced spiders that had been lurking in the lair let out countless cries, both large and small.

Certainly, the power of this metamorph is such that it would be easier to enumerate them from the lower ranks.

But on the other hand, their numbers are extraordinary.

Moreover, as long as they have food, they can reproduce in the blink of an eye.

There was once a case in which it turned an entire mountain range into its nest.

The female-faced man-eating spider was a metamorph called Jorōgumo.


"Gosh! There's no end to it!"

"But if we let even one of them escape, we'll be right back where we started!"


Flames gushed from Akira's blade and intersected with the impact produced by Saki.

Each time, the spiders' bodies danced in the darkness and were purified by the fire.


"―You are trying to exterminate them? Don't be reckless, Junior."


Jin, who had opened a distance to avoid being overrun by the firestorm, grumbled as he dealt with the Jorōgumo from afar.

Looking out into the night darkness, he saw flames and storms scattering with spirit light.

It seemed that Asogi Genji and Yuge Kojou had also decided on a plan of extermination.

They seemed to be planning to spread the fire and burn the nests down to the ground.


"It can't be helped then.

Hey, drill soldier. You sure there aren't any of your guys around here?"



The drill soldier, who was slumped over from the pain of his injuries, barely managed to reply amid his fading consciousness.

Hearing this reply, Jin took a step ahead of Akira and Saki.



Rindo and Junior, stand back. I will handle this place."

"Huh? Nakiri-senpai?"


A gentle breeze and dancing spirit light responded to Akira and Saki who were dazed as they inquired back.

A whirlwind was generated from the earth to the sky by the enormous spirit power reaching that of the Eight Families.


".......Don't come forward. In any case, I can't control it with my skills."


Muttering so, Jin thrust his spirit vessel toward the sky.

Along with the powerful gale, purple lightning crawled around the blade.

No, all the metamorphs that lurked in the area were also entangled with the purple lightning.

A moment of silence before the inevitable death.


Jinroin-style Spirit Technique, Chuden―



A roar and a flash of light split the sky, connecting heaven and earth.

The impact struck everything in sight and reaped the earth mercilessly.

A few seconds of what seemed like an eternity passed in vain, and by the time their eyes had become accustomed to the silence.

All that remained in Akira's and the others' field of vision were the burnt and lifeless corpses of the metamorphs.


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