Tuesday, September 17, 2024

[WN] God Slumbers : Volume 3 Chapter 14 Part 4.2

Volume 3

Chapter 14 Part 4.2

Tears of Slumber Reaching the Heavens 4.2

Translator : PolterGlast

"Ha, ha, hahaha. I did it. I've finally managed an audience.



Compared to the previous spiritual paths, the other side of the Musubi was reached immediately.

After the consecutive battles and the history of defeat she had directly received, Ravana, who had barely managed to slip through, took a rough breath as she looked at the other side of the spiritual path she had reached.


A brightly lit sacred rock, which was probably the vast sanctuary of Takamikura.

In the back of the simple structure, a golden girl smiled as she faced the fiery Ravana.


There was no response.


But without time to worry, Ravana took a step forward.

The end of the spiritual path was just around the corner.


She had six uses left of the Nine Dharma Treasures's divine attribute. She would show the curse of defeat, which still remained sufficiently.


"I have one last question to ask you."


She had carefully devised a plan and set a trap to ensure her victory.

She had even waited for the time when a Kanna-no-Mikura of the fire element would be born, relying on the vast time possessed by a divine pillar.


Although the plan was only slightly hastened, it was repeatedly threatened to fail.

Even though she had anticipated that, at the very end, the very last moment...


The Celestial Throne. An element she had never even imagined had overturned the entire board.


"—Since when?"

What was questionable was that the development was too convenient.

The numerous coincidences and miracles that would not be possible if one did not fully grasp what was about to happen.

"Since when have you seen through my plans!?"


Even after receiving Ravana's rage, a smile of satisfaction still graced Takamikura's lips.

Her clear mutterings remained simple even in the face of defeat.


"—From the beginning."


With only a very simple tone, it echoed to the sanctuary's sacred rock.

Takamikura is the representation of the earth element, the foundation of all things. Among the myriad of things, it is one.


"I see. Well, that's fine. I have slipped through that and my plan has been accomplished.

If I can touch you even once, Takamagahara will be mine."


"It is better not to have a wish that will never come true.

Now then, for the time being. Have you brought me my souvenirs?"


The golden eyes, which saw everything, shot a look of certainty and careless glance towards Ravana, who had her hand on the edge of the spiritual path.




A reply that was never supposed to come. Behind Ravana, whose spine shivered in terror, Akira and Saki reached out their hands together.


A small piece of crystal that looked unreliable.

Seeing the golden divine energy that only glimmered dully, Ravana cried out involuntarily.

It was a pass to go through the spiritual path of Musubi. The spell it contained was the essence of Musubi itself.


"You bastard!!"


"Destroy it...

Since I have forced my daughters to endure so much pain, I must feel pain too."


The pilgrimage ritual cannot be stopped.

But it was possible to shatter the spiritual path itself in exchange for exposing the divine realm completely.


It was the destruction of divinity, permitted to those who acted as stakes named Akira.

In Akira's palm, countless cracks appeared in the crystal, and it shattered, turning into glittering sand.


The change was immediate.

As if being thrown out of the place where they were, Akira and the others were thrown into a deep grove of trees.


"Ugh!" "Kyaa!?"


Saki and Akira collapsed on top of each other.

Akira endured his gagging throat, feeling a continuous sense of intoxication, perhaps due to the forced removal from the spiritual path.


He turned his shaky vision toward the sky.

Seeing the crimson sky that spread out, Akira felt a sense of peace.


"Where is this?"


She looked around for an answer, but Saki also shook her head, unable to find any clues in the spreading grove.

The only thing she could vaguely imagine was that they were not so far from the Central Capital.


Another groan was heard.

A little further away, Ravana got up.


"You've done it now, Takamikura.

A thousand years. I've been planning this and waiting for the right time. All of that was in vain."


The angry gaze of the divine pillar pierced through Akira and Saki.

Now that all her plans had been foiled, Ravana had no divinity left.


All she has is the use of the few remaining divine attributes. Refusing to accept such a fading defeat, the deformed divine pillar breathed out a fiery flame.


She turned to face Akira, wielding the iron whip and vajra that she had stolen from Bharatush.


"Now that it's come to this, how can I be forgiven for simply perishing?

Kanna-no-Mikura. You must accompany me on my journey to the afterlife, no matter what."



Akira felt the same way.

Nevertheless, there was one thing he wanted to say to Ravana.

"—Thank you, Ravana. Thanks to you, I was able to meet someone I thought I would never meet again."




There was an option to meet.

But it's also true that I was scared.


I thought I was hated. I thought I was despised.

The truth is, there was always a lingering regret in the depths of my heart.

On the day I was banished. Why didn't I boldly go and meet Shizumi and Genrei?


If I had, if I had done that.

An unfulfilled assumption, brought on by my own cowardice.


I want to talk.

About everything that has happened. About the past three years and what I should do from now on.

I guess the time when a child is lost is over.


Akira reached out his hand to the deepening crimson sky.

Perhaps due to the influence of passing through the spiritual path, Genrei's presence had disappeared from within Akira.


But he didn't care.

As long as this blue sky was connected, the mortal world couldn't be an obstacle for Genrei.


The guardian of countless stars, a nine-layered canopy that separates the mortal world.


A divine artifact that had always been within Akira, and he could look up and see it spread out at any time.


A shield that protects the slumber of the black obsidian.


The divine artifact, shifting in color, is pulled down from the heavens.


"Pierce the heavens, —Kugai Bakufu."


At that moment,

Night fell on the world.



Brushing off the frost that stuck to her cheeks, Shuka pursed her lips.


"Hmph, Kuro-me... You've finally woken up., huh?"


"Are you alright, Aka-sama?"


"I'm fine. It should be about time for Akira to settle things, so let's watch from the main shrine."


While Tsuguho wiped her cheek, Shuka made a cutely sulky face.

Stepping out of the half-ruined main shrine, she turned her gaze towards the visible distance.


"It seems the battlefield has shifted.

The outskirts of Kimon (northeastern direction). If the guest god is going to escape, it would be a reasonable direction."


"If that's the case, then it's also outside Kuro-sama's divine realm."


Akira's limit had already been made clear.

Blessings can only reach as far as one's divine realm. That was a principle that was the same for any divine pillar.


But shaking her head, Shuka denied Tsuguho's fear.


"Although there are compatibilities among them, you know that there is no such thing as strong or weak divine artifacts.

However, if we assume that it is in the mortal world, the strongest divine artifact has been determined."


"The strongest?"


Tsuguho was surprised to hear such an impossible word.

It was a well-known fact that there were no ranks among divine pillars. Only compatibility among the representation they govern.


"Correct. Look, it's starting.

This will be the first time for humans in the mortal world to see it."


Slowly but swiftly, black descended into the world.

Witnessing the full extent of it, Tsuguho was speechless.



The crimson sky reverted its color to shades of daybreak, and it returned to a blue sky as if time had been rewound.

Eventually, the blue glow was framed with a nine-layered perfect circle, shifting into translucence.


A night sky glittering with black obsidian glimpsed through the gap in the circle.


It is said that each of the stars is a drop woven from the divine power of a divine pillar.

The sea of chaotic black obsidian. The slumbering spirit turtle that continuously protects the mortal world from the shining stars that fall like rain.

Looking up, the sky reflected in one's vision is the world's greatest divine artifact, all forged from a tortoise shell.


With a blank expression, Ravana looked up at the sky colored by night and day.



"—You called this mortal world your playground."

Hearing that voice, Ravana turned her gaze back.

Before she knew it, a young girl was standing beside Akira.

"If you can still shout that line after seeing me, that would be quite something."


Ravana knew that they had gone outside the divine realm. That was why she could expect at least a mutual destruction against Kanna-no-Mikura.


"The mortal world exists within me.

No matter where you run or hide. If you disturb my garden, I won't give you a way to escape."


"......I see.

So, from the very beginning, I have been dancing in the palm of Genrei-hime's, huh?"


One of Kugai Bakufu's powers is the ability to turn the domain centered on the user into a divine realm.


Realizing that she had been tricked all along, Ravana swung her iron whip.

It was instantly sucked into the tortoiseshell shield that was created and repelled to the side without any resistance.


"—Do you think the divine artifact you usurped can reach the heavens?

This distance, which reaches even the stars, is my tortoise shell. Unless you have the power to cut through spaces itself, your attacks cannot reach me."


Powerlessly, Ravana threw away the divine artifact that had returned to nothing.

But she didn't intend to give up the victory as well.


He shaped the divine attribute of the Nine Dharma Treasures in his hand into the shape of a sword.

A phantom of a sword he had once wielded in the past.


She took a stance and cut through the void.


"That's good to hear. Since the distance itself is a shield, it didn't get caught in the divine attribute.

Conversely, if I aim for the distance itself, it means it will be caught by the divine attribute of the Nine Dharma Treasures."


"No. This is checkmate, Ravana."


Divine domain, release.

In Akira's palm, a black radiance traced a trajectory.


"The sky overflows with splendor, casting a shadow."

A shadow of a sword sharpened in the palm of his hand.

"As it is, the moon and the sun cast a shadow."


What condensed was a perfect imitation of a black obsidian sword.


It looked like a divine artifact, but it wasn't.

It was the essence of the shadow cast by the Kugai Bakufu. The radiance of the stars filled the blade.


Coincidentally, it resembled Jakuen Gayou.


Assuming a relaxed stance, a grand overhead stance.

Akira's most familiar, fundamental basis of the Kihoin-school.


Realizing that all her moves had been foiled, Ravana weakly sneered at herself.

Nevertheless, believing in the slightest chance of victory, her toes kicked the ground powerfully.


A dancing gait, as if pecking at the ground.

A unique gait that had confused Akira countless times before.


The speed with which she sneaked into the gap remained intact, but  Akira's slash to knock her down still caught up with her.

Even her swordsmanship was somewhat easy to follow.


The alternation between reality and illusion was intense, but the speed of the attack did not change that much.

Ravana's slash and Akira's sword clashed, scattering sparks.


The two blows were in a momentary back-and-forth battle, with their feet, stepping forward, competing for the victor.

However, the end came eventually.


Exhaling, Ravana took a big step forward.

A clear, too obvious, single stroke that was nothing more than a gamble.


The black obsidian sword repelled the slash as if scooping it upward,

And a return blow from Akira's upper stance, slashing through Ravana's shoulder.


The divine pillar that had toyed with Akira and the others left no final words.

With a smile on her strangely beautiful face, she disappeared, swallowed up by the radiance of the stars released from the black obsidian sword.



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