Sunday, March 2, 2025

Can a Mob Highschooler be a Normie: Chapter 103


Mob Kousei No Ore Demo Boukensha Ni Nareba Riajuu Ni Naremasuka: Chapter #103

Translators: Nyx and Ririi Rain





Episode 103: Well Prepared Means No Worries (2)





"Then, that's all for today. Let's work hard tomorrow so that we can all get through Angolmore safely!"


 Anna's words were met with applause, and the long meeting finally came to an end.


 After locking up the club room, everyone left the school.


 As we approached the station.......


I have some shopping to do in Tachikawa, so I'll stop here. See you tomorrow."


 With these words, I saw everyone off as they disappeared through the ticket gates.


 I went into a nearby coffee shop and asked for a cup of tea, then waited quietly by myself.


 About 20 minutes later.......


"Sorry to keep you waiting, Senpai."


 Anna came over with a happy smile, her red hair standing out even from a distance.


“You want to talk to me alone after the meeting without anyone finding out...... huhu."


 Anna looked right at me with a playful smile.


"Maybe, it's a love confession?"


 She said, giggling.


"... Seems you are having fun."


"Fufu, does it? ...That may be so. Oh, Onee-san, one hot lemon tea please."


"Certainly. Would you like anything else?"


"No, thank you."


 Anna looked away from the waitress and turned to me.


"So, if this isn't a confession of love, what is it?"


"Well, we'll talk about that after the tea arrives."


“He~e......? I understand."


 We paused in silence, waiting until the waitress brought us our tea.


 Anna was staring at the people in the restaurant, not knowing what was so interesting.


 There were no strange things or people in the store, just waiters wiping tables and taking orders, and office workers having a smoke after work.


 Yet, Anna tirelessly gazed at the people in the cafe as if she were visiting an art museum or a gallery.


 Curious as to what her eyes were seeing, I asked her,


"......What have you been looking at since a while ago?"


"Nn~? Daily life ...... I guess."


"Daily life?


 I looked around. ......Certainly, the scene in this store was an everyday scene. In other words, it was something that could be seen everywhere, nothing special.


 Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask further questions, the waitress brought the tea over.


 ......Somehow, I felt like I missed my moment. Well, it was not a big deal, so it was okay.


 As I was about to take out the soundproofing magic barrier from my bag, I noticed that one was already on the table.


 I glanced over at Anna, and she was smiling mischievously like the Cheshire Cat.


"I thought this was the kind of talk that needed this. Perhaps not?”


"...... No, it's that kind of talk."


 I quenched my strangely dry throat with a sip of tea.


"The reason I called Anna today is... because I wanted to tell you my secret before Angolmore."


 Then I glanced at her to see her reaction.


 Anna rested her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her interlocked fingers, smiling thinly and waiting for the rest of the story.


 I continued, a little perturbed by her somewhat bewitching appearance.


"Have you ever felt that I'm too lucky, Anna?"


"Lucky, you say? ...... I've certainly had times when I thought, 'He has it', like when you get a succubus in the race or when you get an athena in the card pack."


Well, the succubus thing is a real coincidence...... but the athena one is not. It's inevitable. It was accidental that it was an athena, but I knew that I was going to get a B rank."


......No way.”


 The smile disappeared from Anna's face.


 This was the crucial moment. I swallowed and said,


"I'm going to be direct with you. I can control my luck to a certain extent.

I have a card that has that kind of power.    ......?!"


 At that moment, I felt eyes crawling all over my body.


 It was as if every single piece of information was being extracted from my behavior.......


 It was as if I was being stared at by the compound eyes of an insect.


 Anna looked at me with a blank expression, as if all emotion had been drained out of her, only her blue eyes moved slowly as she eyed me carefully for a while...... eventually,


"...Do you have, any evidence?"


 She asked in a quiet, whisper-like voice.


 Somehow, I managed to swallow my fretting with my spit...


“Right...... I'll show you Renge who has become a kisshouten in the next dungeon attack. Is that not enough?”


"No, it's enough.”


 With that brief answer, Anna held her elbows and bowed her head in silence.


 Her face was covered by her red hair and I could not see her expression.


 At first, I thought she was evaluating the credibility of my story, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that her body was trembling slightly.


"...... Anna?"


"No, sorry. I got a little ......excited.”


 Anna slowly raised her head.


 By that time, her body had stopped shaking and she was back to her normal self, at least on the surface. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes appeared moist.


I knew Senpai had some secrets, but I didn't expect this to be so....... By the way, have you told anyone else about this?”


"No, it's only Anna for now... I'm sorry I kept quiet until now."


"No, no, it's only natural to keep it a secret. I'm actually glad you're cautious... really. But, I see, it's only me? Hehe..."


 Anna smiled for a moment, but then put her fingers on her temple and made a troubled face.


“But, it's a little troublesome. ..... If Senpai has that kind of power, I don't know if I can pay you enough to be worthy of it.”


"Oh, no, I didn't mean it that way......."


 I shared this information with Anna in order to get her to pass the Garnets on to me instead of cashing them, thereby strengthening the Adventurers' Club more efficiently.


 It was not with the intention of showcasing my abilities and increasing the reward dividend.


 However, Anna firmly shook her head at me.


"No, if you don't reward people fairly for their abilities and achievements, the organization will surely collapse sooner or later. Is there anything you want, Senpai?”


"...There is. The reason I told Anna my secret this time is related to that."



Anna smiled with satisfaction at my answer and nodded.


Ask me anything you want. You can tell me anything.”


"Earlier, I said that I can control my luck to some extent, but of course, it can't be at no cost. So far I've been saving up a little bit of my daily luck and using it all at once when I fought a boss or when I pulled the guild pack, but..... I've recently found a way to replenish my good luck with an external source."


 At my words, Anna put her finger against her chin and made a thoughtful gesture for a few seconds......


"...... Could that possibly be, Carbuncle Garnets?”




Wh, how did you know!?



As I was stunned, Anna smiled smugly, a little proud of herself.


I thought it might be the case, based on the way Senpai was attacking the dungeon. You seemed strangely obsessed with a mere high-value cash redeemable item.”


"Seriously... Do you think the other club members have noticed too?"


"I wonder? I'm always careful to keep an eye on the other members, so I only noticed, and maybe Sayo noticed too... but if she didn't know about Senpai's abilities, she probably wouldn't have thought anything of it, right?" 


“I see......."


I breathed a sigh of relief. Well, without knowing the effect of the Garnet, she would end up thinking, ‘Is it just my imagination?’


"But Garnets, huh...... I see. Then, does that mean the government is aware of this ability after all?"


"Do you think so too, Anna?"


"Yes. I'm sure of it. Many things make sense to me. 

......By the way, is this ability also effective for the Lottery cards?"


"Yes, in a way it is. But it seems to be impossible to get A-rank cards, no matter how many Garnets I have."


“Hmm? I see, I heard that A-ranks are special in many ways. Well then, if that's the case, is it appropriate for the reward to be Garnets and Lottery cards?"


“Mm, I would be very grateful if you could do that, but how will you handle the distribution to Oribe and Teacher?”


“Ah, I'll switch to cash for that. If you think about it logically, the price of Garnets and other decorative items will definitely go down in the future facing Angolmore. I think people will appreciate cash rather than Garnets, so I think that will be acceptable to them.

 On the surface, I will use an excuse that I am selling the Garnets through my family's connections, purchasing them from everyone for 2 million yen each as before, and passing them over to Senpai behind the scenes."


Un, indeed, on the surface, Garnet is just a gemstone, and the price will go down rapidly from here on out. ...But, from the way you talk, does that mean we're going to hide my ability from Oribe and Teacher?"


"Oh? I thought that would be better, but was I wrong?"


 Anna tilted her head in a cute puzzled manner, and I shook my head.


“...... No, it is not. With things like mind-reading magic items, as few people as possible should know the secret. ...But I do feel bad deceiving them about the Garnet."


“Hmm-m, I think you're being overly concerned. It's still being bought at the market price, after all."


"But Garnets are worth more than that."




 Anna then seemed to think for a moment.


I have a question. Are Garnets commonly usable?”


...... No, normally it's not possible. With normal cards, it is impossible to bring out the good fortune hidden in the Garnets. Even if I shatter it, I can't use the good luck hidden inside."


“Then you worry too much. If you are concerned about how the value of the Garnet jumps the moment it is in your hands, why don't you think of it as the difference between the value of rough and polished stone?”


"Rough stone and polished? ...... I see.”


 I'd never thought of it like that.


 I see, for the average person, a Garnet is a rough gemstone, and I am a lapidarist. If I buy a rough gemstone at a reasonable price and sell it at a higher price after polishing it, no one would be upset that they were cheated. The difference is the lapidarist's skill and ability.


Well, if it still bothers you, it would be great if you could use the power to get another world cross-space card. Even if Senpai's card, the whole Adventurers' Club can benefit from it."


Uh, it doesn't mean I can get any card I desire......"


Hm...... but if you get some B-rank cards and sell them, even another world cross-space cards can be bought, right?”


"Ah... right, I didn't say. My ability, it's not that easy to use. There are risks involved in using them, to be honest.”


"... Risks, you say?"


 Anna narrowed her eyes, and I nodded.


“Yeah, any attempt to control the future as I see fit can result in a backlash of luck later on. I call it a distortion of the law of causality. Trying to make sure I get a B-rank card accumulates this distortion of the law of causality.”


Distortion of the law of causality......”


 Anna put her hand on her chin and looked down.


The distortion will naturally disappear over time, so to avoid the distortion from accumulating, the limit for using the ability is, well, once or twice a month. There's another ability called [Luck manipulation], but it probably consumes several times as many Garnets and doesn't guarantee that a B-rank card will come out.”


“I understand. ...... Well, it's great enough that you can get one or two B-rank cards a month, though. ......By the way, you say Garnet, but what about the Vouivre Diamond?”


"I don't know. I've never tried it."


"Oh. Then try these the next time you use that ability.”


 Anna handed me a Vouivre Diamond.


"This is......”


“Vouivre Diamond that had been kept from the last dungeon attack because, unlike Garnet, it cannot be divided. I was going to exchange it for Garnets through my connections and split them, but why don't you try an experiment using this?"


“Eh, how do you split the money to everyone then? Also, you said earlier about the Garnets that you will exchange all of them with cash for everyone, but how are you going to get the money?”


“As for that, I'm sorry to say that I'm relying on Senpai, but...... next time you get a B-rank card, could you please leave it with me? I want to use the money from the sale of it to pay Sayo and Kannadzuki-senpai their share of the Garnets. In exchange, I don't need my share of the Garnets."


 I frowned at Anna's proposal.


"It's fine to give you the B-rank card, but it's no good not to give you your share. Please accept it properly."


"Don't worry about it. It's too little as a reward for you joining the team."


"No, just take it. That's the condition for me to give you the B-rank card. Or rather, wouldn't it be simpler and better if I used the B-rank card to buy the Garnets and Diamonds from Anna?"


 It would be easier to understand it that way rather than making it complicated.


"Umm, I really don't mind, but if that's what Senpai wants to do... well... let's do it this way: From now on, you're our leader."




 The conversation went in some unexpected direction......


"If you're the leader, strengthening the team using your abilities would just mean strengthening yourself. In that case, it's better than me being the leader."


 I was baffled by Anna's easy handing over of the leadership position, which she had been so passionate about.


"No, I'm not interested in being a leader... and Anna has leadership skills, so if you continue to be the leader, it will be a great help to me."


“Oh, you actually think highly of me, I see?"


"Yeah. You've thought up various scenarios for today's meeting, right? So that you can respond instantly to whatever the club members say. You're the only one among us who can do that kind of thing like a capable adult. I can't do it."


 Anna's grades in school were poor, but that was just because of her lack of interest... or rather, she just didn't see the value in it. Her intelligence itself isn't bad at all. In fact, in some sense, she was even better than Oribe, a gifted type of person.


"Hehe... thank you. It was worth all the preparation to hear you say that."


 Anna laughed happily at my flattering praise.


"How about we say that Senpai is the true leader behind the scenes ......? I will be the front leader as before, but behind the scenes, I will listen to Senpai's wishes. What do you think?”


U-n, I don't really see the point in that, but... basically, it means Anna will continue to be the leader, right? If so, that's fine."


 After I said that, Anna clapped her hands happily and revealed a big smile on her face.


"That's settled! Once again, I look forward to working with you in the future, True Leader!"


"Quit it with that 'leader' thing, seriously....... Anyway, it's getting pretty late, let's go home."


"Right...... Ah."




 Just as I was about to stand up, Anna exclaimed as if she just remembered something, making me stop in my tracks.


"......I'm sorry, but can I ask you to seriously consider the matter of meeting my father? I just felt like I needed to introduce you formally.”


 Anna laughed meaningfully as she said this.


....What do you mean by 'introduce formally'? I'm scared......


 Though I was freaking out inside, I could only nod vaguely.












[TIPS] Angolmore's Phase


 Based on past experiences, Angolmore is divided into several phases.




Phase 1

 The safe zones in the dungeon temporarily lose their monster-repelling effect, allowing monsters to move through the floors.

 As monsters of F to D ranks flood out of the dungeon in the order of their proximity to the surface, the dungeon begins to multiply rapidly.  At this stage, the new dungeons do not produce a monster flood.


Phase 2

 Energy builds up within the dungeon as the monsters that overflowed in the first phase run amok, and C-rank monsters begin pouring out. Furthermore, monsters begin to flood from some of the newly added dungeons.


Phase 3

 B-rank monsters begin to flood out.


Phase 4

 Details unknown. A-rank monsters will likely start to pour out of the dungeon. Once it reaches that point, mankind will no longer be able to control it, and there is a possibility that the energy for the Fourth Angolmore will be accumulated within the Angolmore.




 Mankind actually has only experienced up to the third phase, and the existence of the fourth phase is only speculative.

 However, considering the pattern, there is a very high possibility that this will happen, or even worse.

 In the first Angolmore, the number of dungeons was small and the area around the dungeons had already been sealed off, so the damage could be contained in the first phase.

 However, as a result, humanity did not obtain the important information that there would be a progression of phases, leading to the folly of countries that were fortunate enough to avoid triggering the First Angolmore, only to initiate their own Angolmore in order to increase the number of dungeons.





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